首先需要在美国大使馆注册账号,选择非移民签证—>B1签(学术会议选B1商务签肯定是可以的,有小伙伴因为选了B2旅游签被拒了...),网址:https://cgifederal.secure.force.com/SiteRegister?country=China&language=zh_CN ②填写DS-160表格 这是申请美签的必要步骤,网址:Nonimmigrant Visa - Instructions Page选择面签地...
A second meaning is: all kinds of physical activities are done for health or for fun. Spending hours and hours in front of a computer or with a mobile phone in hand playing video games is not a physical activity. But when the voices that defend it belong to famous athletes, a...
With a working holiday visa, you can work as you go, meaning you won’t necessarily go into debt while spending time abroad。 Your method of travel may vary。 Some prefer to travel up—front for several months and then spend the rest of the time working in one or two different locations...