Visa Type/Class:R表示这是一种常规签证,适用于大多数普通公民。与之相对的是Visa Type/Class:D,后者是为外交人员或高级政府官员设计的,具有更高的特权和豁免。B1/B2签证则是一种短期的商务或旅游签证。B1签证主要用于商务活动,如参加会议、谈判合同或商务考察。B2签证则主要用于旅游,包括休闲旅行、...
美国签证分很多类型 B1/B2类型就是旅游和商务签证的类型
The US embassy issues dozens of visas to interested visitors based on their needs and ability to meet the requirements, and one of the most common types of visas is theUS visa type B1/B2.What is a category B visa for, and what is it used for? We will aim to answer these questions ...
B2 visa. Frequently Asked Questions What is a B1 Visa and a B2 Visa? The United States B1 Visa and B2 Visa are official documents that grant you entry to the United States. Both B1 vs. B2 visa are included in the same B category. Both visas are non-immigrant and therefore not ...
Who is eligible for the US B1/B2 Visa? Citizens ofall countries are eligible to apply for the US B1/B2 Visa. There are no specific nationality restrictions for this visa category. Visa Exempt: Who doesn't need to apply for the US B1/B2 Visa?
R:Regular,普通签证,就是说:不是diplomatic外交签证 B1是旅游+医疗 B2是商务 以前分B1,B2;现在好像大都不分了,都是写在一起的;
B-1签证:B-1签证签发给从事短期商务活动的申请人.商务活动包括签订合同,参加展览或会议,短期培训或与客户洽谈业务.该签证持有者不得在美国停留期间就业.B1申请人应出示其拟在美从事商务活动的相关联的联的文件,包括... 分析总结。 是这样的我之前有过一次美签visa上写的是b1b2而我这一次要申请的是b2申请的问题...
What is thedifference between B1 and B2 US visa?If you are familiar with US visa policy, you would know that these visas are the most common visas people apply for because they are short-term non-immigrant visas. Despite being in the same category, they are as different as they are simi...