Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIRX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPSB–C–N thin films of a wide composition range were deposited by reactive DC magnetron sputtering of targets with different B/C ratios in an Ar/N 2 atmosphere. The bonding characteristics of these amorphous films ...
The precursor-derived Si-B-C-N and B-C-N ceramics are of special interest because of their covalent bonding providing mechanical reliability and high-temperature stability. In general, the precursor-derived ceramics posses several advant... O Tsetsgee,K Müller - Uni Stuttgart - Universitäts...
Ferromagnetic Bonding: Properties of High-Spin Lithium Clusters n +1 Li n ( n = 2−12) Devoid of Electron Pairs Density functional calculations are used to generate a series of the maximum-spin lithium clusters Li-n+1(n) (n=2-12). These clusters do not possess any el... SD Visser...
The chemical bonding within a specimen annealed at 1800 °C was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). In Fig. 9a, the peaks at 102.1 and 100.58 eV on Si 2p spectrum are assigned to Si–N, and Si–, respectively, which is consistent with presence of the SiC and Si3N4...
The chemical composition and bonding structures of B-C-N-H films fabricated by medium frequency magnetron sputtering, with N2+CH4+Ar gas mixture sputtering the boron target, were investigated. XPS and FTIR spectrometric analyses show that the increase of CH4 flow rate during deposition causes an ...
polymers Article Flexible Epoxy Resins Formed by Blending with the Diblock Copolymer PEO-b-PCL and Using a Hydrogen-Bonding Benzoxazine as the Curing Agent Wei-Chen Su 1, Fang-Chang Tsai 2,* , Chih-Feng Huang 3 , Lizong Dai 4 and Shiao-Wei Kuo 1,5,* 1 Department of Materials and ...
X-ray crystallography demonstrated that the imidazopyridine interacted with a carbonyl and an amino group of Val135 as a hydrogen-bonding donor and as a hydrogen-bonding acceptor. In contrast, 7-hydroxybenzimidazoles interacted with Asp133 and Pro136. Microsomal mouse stability studies were performed...
氢含量对非晶硅薄膜热光效应影响的研究 分类号密级 UDC注1 学位论文 氢含量对非晶硅薄膜热光效应影响的研究 (题名和副题名)周湘 (作者姓名)指导教师刘爽教授 电子科技大学成都 (姓名、职称、单位名称)申请学位级别硕士学科专业光学工程 提交论文日期2016.04 论文答辩日期2016.05 学位授予单位和日期电子科技大学...
B. 搭铁bonding C. 较低The lower D. 稍低Slightly lower 查看完整题目与答案 教师讲述、阐释教学内容的教学口语是() A. 讲解语 B. 结束语 C. 过渡语 D. 导入语 查看完整题目与答案 埋藏在地表以下,第一个完整隔水层之上具有自由水表面的重力水即承压水。() A. 正确 B....
Covalent Bonding of Alkene and Alkyne Reagents to Graphitic Carbon Surfaces Various aromatic and aliphatic alkynes and one alkene were covalently bonded to sp(2)-hybridized carbon surfaces by heat treatment in an argon atmosphere. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman, and FTIR spectra of the modif...