描述Tygon E-Food (B-44-4X) tubing, L/S 18, 50 ft. 主要特点 Genuine Masterflex® tubing undergoes robust testing to provide optimal performance / pump life hours with peristaltic pump equipment Precision extruded to tight tolerances for high repeatability, accuracy and reproducibility ...
型号 B-44-4X-IB TYGON S3 tubing B-44-4X-IB ADA00053-CP 95635-13 GE CB系列接触器 GE CB系列接触器 深圳市卡普特机电设备有限公司 206B6850G1 POWER SUPPLY General Electric开关及附件 206C738001 FILTER ELEMENT General Electric开关及附件 206C738002 FILTER ELEMENT General Electric开关及附件 206C...
描述Tygon E-Food (B-44-4X) tubing, L/S 16, 50 ft. 主要特点 Genuine Masterflex® tubing undergoes robust testing to provide optimal performance / pump life hours with peristaltic pump equipment Precision extruded to tight tolerances for high repeatability, accuracy and reproducibility ...
Regulatory ApprovalsFDA;???;??? 10/2011;RoHS;Non-DEHP 描述Tygon E-Food (B-44-4X) tubing, L/S 35, 50 ft. 主要特点 无毒 关于该商品的更多信息 应用:食品和饮料加工和分装 |特性: 不溶湿,无气味,无味,无毒。透明。
Flexible, Reinforced Pressure Tubing Tygon S3 B-44-4X IB tubingis designed specifically for food and beverage dispensing applications involving elevated pressure. Tygon pressure tubing has the identical product features found in Tygon S3™ B-44-4X tubing (clear, lightweight, flexible, smooth, non...
Tygon S3 B-44-4X tubing is available in large bore sizes up to 6" (152,40 mm) inside diameter. 广州市赛拓仪器科技有限公司代理经销法国Saint-Gobain圣戈班软管,型号齐全,大部分型号有现货,发货地为广州,订购前请详细沟通使用场景、货期、售价等信息。 关键词: 食品饮料管 上一个 Guzzler G400-H ...
圣戈班Tygon B-44-4X I.B.耐压管ADA00018的详细资料: Flexible, Reinforced Pressure Tubing Tygon S3 B-44-4X IB tubing is designed specifically for food and beverage dispensing applications involving elevated pressure. Tygon pressure tubing has the identical product features found in Tygon S3™ B-44...
Tygon B-44-4X is a Polyvinyl Chloride product. It is available in North America. Applications of Tygon B-44-4X include food contact applications, hose/tubing and plumbing/piping/potable water. Characteristics include: Low to No Odor/Taste Chemical Resistant Clarity Good Flexibility Non-Toxic ...
tubingisthemost exiblereinforcedtubingavailable. T gon S 3™ B-44-4XI.B.fromSaint-GobainPerformancePlasticsisnowphthalate-free. Saint-Gobainisproudtobeamongthefirstcompaniestooffersustainableflexibletubing products.Thebio-basedT gon S 3™ linecombinesthehighperformancestandardscustomers demandwithaneco-...
Tygon S3 B-44-4X tubing is available in large bore sizes up to 6" (152,40 mm) inside diameter. 广州市赛拓仪器科技有限公司代理经销法国Saint-Gobain圣戈班软管,型号齐全,大部分型号有现货,发货地为广州,订购前请详细沟通使用场景、货期、售价等信息。姓名...