全称B-17G Flying Fortress初始星级 所属学联星尘联邦学院波鲁温格学院 类型重型兵种轰炸机 获取方式改造 B-17E 飞行堡垒 画师:四骑 声优:伊藤明日香 DOLLS资料 增强了防御机枪,扩大了油箱尺寸,使名为「空中堡垒」的她更加坚固的改进型ARMS。 B-17G认为这样的改良最为适合她,今后也会继续用炸弹向灾兽宣扬正义。
B-17G轰炸机,被称为“堡垒”(Flying Fortress),是二战期间美国空军的重要力量。这款四发动机、高翼单翼、全金属结构的飞机,以其坚固的机身和出色的火力,成为战争中的空中巨无霸。🔧 设计与发展 B-17G是B-17系列轰炸机的终极改进型号,由波音公司设计生产。它基于前型号B-17F的经验进行改进,于1943年开始生产,...
B-17G是B-17 Flying Fortress的最终战斗型号。从1943年末开始生产,一直持续到二战结束几个月后,这个变种包括了对先前B-17型号所做的所有成功改进。它携带了总共13挺机枪,用于点防御,包括新的远程控制下巴炮塔,极大地提高了B-17对正面袭击的防御能力。在B-17G的生产周期结束时,总共生产了8,680架 - 这超过了曾...
HK MODELS 1/32 B-17G Flying Fortress Heavy Bomber Kit $278.95 The B-17 was primarily employed by the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) in the daylight precision strategic bombing campaign of World War II against German industrial and military targets. ...
特拉华州|B-17G Flying Fortress 轰炸机 Air Mobility Command Museum 空中机动司令部博物馆 它是整个博物馆藏品中最有魅力的飞机 B-17是二战期间美国最著名的重型轰炸机,曾生产过12000架用于战斗。目前所有...
价格1 000 000 The most mass-produced version of the Flying Fortress with significantly enhanced defensive armament. Extensively used in the strategic bombing campaign against Germany. 概览 机身 引擎 炮塔 炮塔 炮塔 炮塔 炮塔 炮塔 炮塔 外挂武器 3D模型...
B-17 Flying Fortress On Static Display WorldwideSerial Number Aircraft Type Nickname City State Location Notes 44-83735 B-17G Mary Alice Duxford UK American Air Museum Displayed indoors. 44-83868 B-17G Hendon UK Bomber Command Museum Displayed indoors. 44-85583 B-17G Recife Brazil Base ...
B-17空中堡垒轰炸机 (B-17 flying fortress) 是美国波音在1930年代为美国陆军航空队所发展的的四发动机重型轰炸机。当时参与竞争此200架新型轰炸机合约的还有道格拉斯和格伦·L·马丁两家公司。在三家竞争者之中,波音设计的机型不但性能突出且更加的符合美国陆军航空队之期望。然而,由于B-17的原型机在一次试飞时坠毁...
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress leo zeng August 31st, 2021 The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engined heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps. Competing against Douglas and Martin for a contract to build 200 bombers, the Boeing entry outperformed both...
By the time the definitive B-17G appeared, the number of guns had been increased from seven to 13, the designs of the gun stations were finalized, and other adjustments were completed. The B-17G was the final version of the Flying Fortress, incorporating all changes made to its predecessor...