B-17空中堡垒轰炸机(B-17 flying fortress)是美国波音在1930年代为美国陆军航空军所发展的四发动机重型轰炸机。当时参与竞争此200架新型轰炸机合约的还有道格拉斯和格伦·L·马丁两家公司。在三家竞争者之中,波音设计的机型不但性能突出且更加的符合美国陆军航空军之期望。然而,由于B-17的原型机在一次试飞时坠毁,波音...
flight crew after the Flying Fortress developed engine trouble after a raid over Germany and was forced to land. The aircraft was turned over to the Swiss Air Force, who then flew the bomber until the end of the war, using other interned but non-airworthy B-17s for spare parts. The ...
B-17 FLYING FORTRESSDavis III, Bennie J.Airman
The Flying Fortress was designed in response to a USAAC competition, announced on August 6, 1934, to find a modern replacement for the assorted twin-engineKeystone biplanebombers and greater performance than theMartin B-10. While the performance of the B-10 was considered adequate at the time...
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G-BEDF. Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
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B-17E 41-9210under restoraton at Flying Heritage Collection (FHC) B-17E "Typhoon McGoon II" 41-9211returned to United States, scrapped B-17E 41-9212pilot Porter MIA June 5, 1942 B-17E "Los Lobos/Road Home/Rover Boy" 41-9213condemned August 1944 ...
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress3D模型。3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx低聚,动画,操纵,游戏和VR选项。