《B What U Wanna B》是瑞典歌手Darin Zanyar 演唱的一首好听的歌曲。 网上流传的《Be What You Wanna Be》和《Peerless》就是这首歌。 本曲原名为《B What U Wanna B》,但被很多的人传播成了《Be What You Wanna Be》,这首歌的主题就是做自己,有自己的个性,而名称是为了映衬歌词故意缩写的!
玩机报告 - Darin Zanyar《B What U Wanna B》 现场完整版。#音乐现场 #音乐推荐 #bewhatyouwannabe
欧美励志神曲《Be What You Wanna Be》,是否也曾在你落魄的时候激励着你 秋风未动蝉先觉inspire 【4K修复】M2M《pretty boy》重温经典歌曲 tAAAAAAAAAAo 04:13 一首风靡全网超燃歌曲《wake》,"喂,醒醒,该出发了!” 蜡笔小旧呦 03:07 欧美金曲《Something Just Like This》,被天使吻过的嗓子 ...
《Darin Zanyar《B What U Wanna B》 现场完整版。#音乐现场 #音乐推荐 #bewhatyouwannabe》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
B What U Wanna B (Remix) - Darin Lyricist:Darin/Bilal/Red One Composer:Darin/Bilal/Red One Doctor actor lawyer or a singer Why not president be a dreamer You can be just the one you wanna be Police man fire fighter or a post man Why not something like your old man You can be jus...
Cause I don't wanna stand when all is done And I'll b next to U cause Your the one I said it twice And I'm a say once more Your the one I want I'm never gonna lechu go There are times When I don't get around to say what I feel like sayin Nooo There are ...
B What U Wanna B - 伊丽莎贝斯 原曲:Be What You Wanna Be - Darin Lyrics by:Darin/Bilal/Red One Composed by:Darin/Bilal/Red One Doctor actor lawyer or a singer Why not president be a dreamer You can be just the one you wanna be Police man fire fighter or a post man ...
《呼吸 Breath》 《无与伦比 B What U Wanna B》 《寂寞 Lonely》 ... iask.sina.com.cn|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,做你想做的人,无与伦比 更多例句筛选 1. peerless B What U Wanna B= be what you want to be 你想成为什么样的人就成为什么样的人 wenwen.soso.com...
Baby what I'm sayin I don't wanna give up on our fate And I don't wanna think that it's too late So if something is broke Let me go and fix it And if something is lost Let me go and get it Cause I don't wanna stand when all is done And I'll b next to U cause Your...