Wi-Fi无线扬声器是近年来最热的音响之一,在去年Bowers & Wilkins(宝华韦健,简称B&W)大举进军该领域,推出了Formation 系列无线扬声器,发布了立体声书架箱Formation Duo、单个异形箱Formation Wedge、紧凑型音箱Formation Flex、超低音音箱Formation Bass、电视Soundbar Formation Bar及无线音频转换器Formation Audio多款产品。...
B&W Formation系列暂时由五个产品组成,分别是立体声书架箱Formation Duo、单个异形箱Formation Wedge、超低音音箱Formation Bass、电视音响棒Formation Bar及无线音频转换器Formation Audio。全系列产品支持24bit/96kHz超高分辨率并且支持由B&W母公司EVA Automation研发的网状网络无线连接技术,它能让无线音箱以1微秒的延迟同步音...
对比了下B&W刚发布的Formation Bar和B&O家Beosound 35,两者在品牌力、设计、定位都很接近,参数也互有胜负情况下,前者价格只有后者一半,万元内的价格对高端Soundbar用户很有吸引力,傻大粗的Bose和Sonos也可以一边歇着去了。 2北京·国家奥林匹克体育中心 ...
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bu le-point formation bu lei te bu lun nian ling bu luo ke he bu men jiang bu neng da dao bu neng he bu neng zhe yang bu shen ming bu shi he zuo bu shi jian bu shi suo you de bu shou ban bu shu yu bu si ke bu tong ceng ci bu tong deng bu tong xing shi de bu wu ...
It should be emphasized that IL-21, as IL-2762, supports not only Tfh-cell differentiation and thereby GC B-cell formation and function, but also directly acts on B cells supporting their growth, survival, and antibody secretion33. It is noteworthy that in RA patients the increased serum IL...
Scale bar, 2.5 mm. (c,d) Representative GBS-stained bacteria infiltrates in the decidua, junctional zone, labyrinth and amnion at 48 h (c) and 72 h (d) post-inoculation by GBS. Abbreviations: Ab, Antibody; CTL, Control; Dc, Decidua; GBS, Group B Streptococcus; h, hour; JZ,...
B The bar plots depict the mean cell count of each B-cell subtype in each sample on the left. In the middle, the bar plots illustrate the proportion of each B-cell subtype in each sample. On the right, a box plot displays the proportion of B-ISG15 in each sample.; MIBC, n =...
The chromosome numbers are indicated at the side of each bar. The segmental duplicated genes are connected by lines of flower, CaBBX4 and CaBBX20 expressed in almost all the detected tissues, and expressed most highly in fruit development, especially in the pericarp, however, expect in...
(F) Scale bar: 1 mm. invesSadtneiigfmdfaeirtSs‐eeecqndomuc rieaea-sdnqnutwdi(atF enairsttgeicituvoaoretrbei evsdee2a r)nav.(naFealdiyAlgysbulseleerstses wc oooe2fre)fce. no srActnohoelferla nlcUsesocmVaronlBo re-oeatstsrhm esnaouoetfreos fd...