bottom up testbottom bottom vent of sleeve bottom water features bottom-dump haulet bottomhole producing bottompaving bottomperkins coie fi bottomward agency botton up approach botulinum toxin b boturini codex botbalanceoftrade bouakÉ boubacar mansaly boubakar adamou bouchutsrespiration boudinage-mull...
bottom sluice bottom soil bottom sub bottom vent of leeve bottom working charac bottom-mounted sonar bottom-right corner bottom-shaft bottom-up testing bottom-up parse bottom-up recognizer bottomcoatpaint bottomendrail bottomflash bottompintle bottompouringstopperl botton insert botulinum toxin type botu...
blast wall 防爆墙blast warning 爆破警戒blast wave 冲击波blast wind 爆炸气浪blast 喷气blast-proof door 防爆门blast-proof 防爆的blaster cap 起爆雷管blaster shelter 避炮掩体blaster 爆破手blasting accident 爆炸事故blasting agent 爆炸剂blasting cabinet 喷砂箱blasting cap 雷管blasting charge 炸药包blasting ...
LAM 713-330461-001 TCP COIL END CAP(713-330461-001) LAM 713-347386-001 BLOCK LAM 713-4056-001 COVER LEXAN LAM 713-4108-1 PLUG, VENT, TEFLON LAM 713-432006-001 COVER, MESC SIDE, ALLIANCE LAM 713-432007-001 RETAINER, FIBER LAM 713-460778-001 PLT,CONN MTG,UPR MATCH,CLD GDP LAM 713...
When the non-frontal of a car collides a wall or any other car. When any car position other than the passenger compartment is hit on a side. When a side of car is hit in an oblique direction. When a side of car collides a column-like object. 1-2 Airbag 29 1 Warning ● The ...
53、kover fire 越过火灾控制线的火灾breakover point密集射流转变点breakover 越过火灾控制线breast summer 过梁breast 工作面breather pipe通气管breather vent通气管breathing apparatus cabinet呼吸器框breathing apparatus communication set呼吸器通信装置breathing apparatus control board呼吸器控制板breathing apparatus safety...
食品英语词典之B开头的单词.docx,食品英语词典之B开头的单词 B.[= bacillus]杆菌;芽孢杆菌 B complex 复合维生素 B baba 圆柱形甜面包;甜糕点 babassu oil 巴巴苏油〔棕榈二油中的一种〕 Babcock flask 巴氏乳脂瓶 Babcock test 巴氏乳脂测定法 Babcock tester 巴氏乳脂
烟囱出烟口罩屋顶排气口盖通风口Rooftop Exhaust Vent Cap6寸8 磐安县奥施德塑胶制品厂 15年 回头率: 40.9% 浙江 金华市 ¥1.48 罩油烟机风帽排气扇防雨防鸟油烟机外排通风口墙防风外墙罩屋顶 平顶山市湛河区琬胜商贸行(个体工商户) 1年 回头率: 0% 河南 平顶山市 ¥56.99 无动力风帽屋顶通...
(500) ea Elkhart Products # 30626 1/2" Wrot Copper Pipe Cap / Fittings (500) ea Genova 50705 1/2" CPVC 90 Degree Slip x Slip Plumbing Elbows (6) ea Abco 01405 36" Janitorial Dust Mop Cotton Replacement Refill Heads (6) ea Air Vent Inc # 81104 12" x 12" Mill Finish Aluminum ...
Below: a damaged DIY gas vent with no cap. In our photo below that aluminum, horizontal pipe near the building corner is venting a gas fired water heater. Or is it? At the stone wall we see a second larger B-type gas vent for the heating system. Type B Vent Chimney Labels & Identi...