Multifunctional nanocomplex for surface-enhanced Raman scattering imaging and near-infrared photodynamic antimicrobial therapy of vancomycin-resistant bacteria Zilong Zhou, Shanshan Peng, Minghao Sui, Shiguang Chen, ... Tingting Jiang Pages 394-402 Article preview Abstract Graphical abstract Graphical abstract...
Raman, N. Duraipandy, ... R. Nandhakumar Pages 306-317 Article preview Sorry, this component is empty due to an unexpected error. Please try reloading the page. select article A bicyclo-hairpin probe mediated strand displacement amplification strategy for label-free and sensitive detection of ...
He had found th re e books wi th wrong c ards by th e time his teacher o pened t he door and s aid, “ Time for rest ! ” he argue d for fini shing the finding jo b, but the teacher w on. T hene xt morning , he arriv ed early, “ I want to finish th ese boo ks...
Fiber Fabry–Perot cavities, formed by micro-machined mirrors on the end-facets of optical fibers, are used in an increasing number of technical and s
For HLA-A24, a peptide (P8: VFAFAFAFFLI) also induced a significant IFN-γ response (p = 0.004), while for the HLA-B*35 allele, the P6 peptide (YPIAPSFAM) induced a response that differed significantly from the control (p = 0.05). These peptides induced also a significant...
How were the great men who Raman read about as a child reflected in the work he did later in life? Raman was an avid reader right from his childhood. Three books among the great many books that he read as a child had a lasting impression on Raman’s young mind. These three books ...
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C.V.Raman: A Biography. New Delhi: Penguin Books India, 2011. WEB RESOURCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 24 MA8251 MATHEMATICS II LTPC (Common to all branches of B.E. / B.Tech. Programmes in ...
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FT-IR and Raman spectroscopic study of hydrated borates. Spectrochim. Acta 1995, 51, 519–532. [CrossRef] 64. Beckett, M.A.; Horton, P.N.; Coles, S.J.; Kose, D.A.; Kreuziger, A.-M. Structural and thermal studies of non-metal cation pentabo- rate salts derived from 1,5-...