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As always, if you want to master the B minor chord on your ukulele, regular practice is essential. The more you play this popular chord, the more natural and easier the proper finger placement and technique will be. When you’ve got a handle on the B minor chord, you’ll probably want...
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Master the ukulele with internationally renowned virtuosos Craig Chee & Sarah Maisel Elevate your ukulele skills, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced player Master Hawaiian, jazz, and pop techniques including strumming patterns, fingerpicking, chord-melody, comping, & more ...
* How to Save a Life * I Knew You Were Trouble * Last Kiss * Let It Be * One Love * The Scientist * Save Tonight * Slip Slidin' Away * 3 AM * Wagon Wheel * Who'll Stop the Rain *... (展开全部) 我要写书评 4-Chord Songs for Baritone Ukulele: Melody, Chords and Lyrics for...
和弦变调夹 和弦夹 吉他变调夹 多功能移调夹Chord Capo 吉他起钉器吉他变调夹尤克里里厂家直销 跨境热卖 多功能吉他配件 和弦变调夹 和弦夹 吉他变调夹 多功能移调夹Chord Capo 阿里巴巴旗下热销货源平台1688为你推荐 自行車音響图片 錄音盒图片 ukulele 弦图片 全音阶口琴图片 多工具刀图片 光音樂吉他图片 便攜音響包...
The ukulele simply loves this chord progression! Think of Five-Foot-Two,The Charlestonor any other number of songs written in the first half of the 20th century. The songs just chug along through the dominant 7th chords until they return to the home key:tension-tension-tension-tension-resolut...
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