Jikan Unofficial MyAnimeList API No Yes Yes Kitsu Anime discovery platform OAuth Yes Unknown Studio Ghibli Resources from Studio Ghibli films No Yes Unknown ⬆ Back to Index Anti-Malware APIDescriptionAuthHTTPSCORS AbuseIPDB IP/domain/URL reputation apiKey Yes Unknown AlienVault Open Threat Exchange ...
MyAnimeList Anime and Manga Database and Community OAuth Yes Unknown NekosBest Neko Images & Anime roleplaying GIFs No Yes Yes Shikimori Anime discovery, tracking, forum, rates OAuth Yes Unknown Studio Ghibli Resources from Studio Ghibli films No Yes Yes Trace Moe A useful tool to get the exa...
Jikan Unofficial MyAnimeList API No Yes Yes Kitsu Anime discovery platform OAuth Yes Unknown What Anime Scan anime image to get specific detail apiKey Yes Unknown Mangadex ad-free manga reader offering high-quality images No Yes Unknown ⬆ Back to Index Anti-Malware APIDescriptionAuthHTTPSCORS Abu...