Since the C sharp lever and B valve are at the same location the latter is formed as an additional ring valve. As an alternative, the B valve can remain at its original location and the C sharp lever is located over the B valve. USE/ADVANTAGE - To overcome fingering problems with ...
The Irish flute produces an F-sharp when fingered naturally. Today's makers emulate the designs of old, focusing often on a specific model or serial number, and maintaining tuning to today's modern pitch standard of A=440 atequal temperament. The flutes of Rudall & Rose and Pratten were ...
sharp shave shaw shawl she she'd she's shea sheaf shear sheath shed sheds sheep sheer sheet sheik shelf shell shh shift shifty shin shine shins shiny ship ships shirk shirt shock shoe shoes shone shoo shook shoot shop shops shore short shot shots shout shove show shown sho...