keycast - Show current commands and its key in the mode line. emacs-gif-screencast - Record Emacs frames to gifs. frameshot - Take screenshots of Emacs frames. script2svg - Record terminal sessions as svg.Starter KitSpacemacs - A slick Evil focused starter kit: do not fear RSI anymore. ... -1041-STEALING PASSWORD WITH GOOGLE HACK: -1042-Hack Remote PC with PHP File using PhpSploit Stealth Post-Exploitation Framework:
:# Script Structure::# OS and Exe Validation:# - Variable and macro Setup:# - Functions:# - Macro help handling:# - [Script Break - Jump to :Main]:# - Embedded Exe for Mouse and Key Inputs:# - Main script bodySet "reg.restore=(Call )"...
上面看到的%matplotlib就是IPython魔术命令的一个示例,基于IPython内核,Jupyter可以访问IPython内核中的所有魔法,它们可以让我们更轻松的使用 Jupyter! # This will list all magic commands %lsmagic Available line magics: %alias %alias_magic %autocall %automagic %autosave %bookmark %cat %cd %clear %colors %...
The option to play using DIrectX12 no longer appears if the OS is not Windows 10. In-Game Menu Adds a Server Info option to the ESC menu, which displays the current server's pastebin info. Commands Adds the "RIDLIST" client command, which displays a list of all room ids. ... -1041-STEALING PASSWORD WITH GOOGLE HACK: -1042-Hack Remote PC with PHP File using PhpSploit Stealth Post-Exploitation Framework:
For the Console Commands mod: Removed experimentalperformancecommand. Unfortunately this impacted SMAPI's memory usage and performance, and the data was often misinterpreted. This may be replaced with more automatic performance alerts in a future version. ...
Plugin for displaying images on the terminal using the the `` script provided by [posva]( ## Requirements - `convert` (ImageMagick) ## Enabling the plugin To use it, add `catimg` to the plugins array in your zshrc file: 1. Open your `.zs...
weechat-vimode - A WeeChat script that adds vi-like modes, commands and keybindings. youtube-viewer - a command-line interface to YouTube Blogs/Wikis/SocialMedia: Hackaday: linux-fu running commands Link Linuxaria: poor mans sportify Link Linuxaria: Reptyr attach a running process to a new...
[252Star][3m] [Py] cvandeplas/pystemon Monitoring tool for PasteBin-alike sites written in Python. Inspired by pastemon [252Star][7m] [Py] itskindred/procspy Python tool that monitors and logs user-run commands on a Linux system for either offensive or defensive purposes...