美国邮政编码,postcode,zip美国邮政编码, postcode,zip code 邮编 城市(city) 州(state) 12201 Albany NewYork(NY) 30301 Atlanta Georgia(GA) 21401 Annapolis Maryland(MD) 21201 Baltimore Maryland(MD) 35201 Birmingham Alabama(AL) 14201 Buffalo NewYork(NY) 60601 CHICAGO Illinois(IL) 45201 Cincinnati ...
邮编的位置因国家而异:美国ZIP Code位于州名之后(如'New York, NY 10001'),英国邮编则独立成行。部分国家会在邮编前标注'Postal Code'或'ZIP',但通常直接使用数字代码即可。 国家名称 国家名称作为地址最后部分,需使用全称且首字母大写,国际邮件中建议采用英文官方名称(如'Germany...
具体 格式为: Name (姓名) Street (街道) City (城市) State (州/省) Country (国家) Zip code/Postal code (邮政编码) 例如: Name: Tom Smith Street: 123 Main Street City: New York State: NY Country: USA Zip code: 10001 2.2 贴纸 贴纸是指粘贴在英语明信片右上角的邮票。邮票的选择应注意不...
Company Name: MORRISON COHEN LLP Law School: Brooklyn Law School Year Admitted: 2018 Jaimie Krista Mcfarlin Address: 375 9th Ave Fl 52, New York, NY 10001-1696 Company Name: THE D. E. SHAW GROUP Law School: Harvard Law School Year Admitted: 2016Comment...
10001 NewYork NewYork(NY) 70112 NewOrleaans Louisana(LA) 68046 Omaha Nebraska(NE) 85001 Phoenix Arizona(AZ) 15122 Pittsburgh pennsylvania(PA) 84101 SaltLakeCity Utah(UT) 94203 Sacramento California(CA) 92101 SanDiego California(CA...
Junjie He Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP Two Manhattan West, 375 Ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10001- 2020 Junjie Zhong 4f, Baoyedasha, No.8 Sanyuan Road, Nancheng District, Dongguan, -, CHINA (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF) 2022 Junjie Yan Clifford Chance LLP 33rd Floor China World Office 1 No....
for as long as the attorney remains duly admitted to the New York bar. Section 468-a of the NY Judiciary Law and 22 NYCRR Part 118 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts require the biennial registration of all attorneys admitted in the State of New York, whether they are...
具体 格式为: Name (姓名) Street (街道) City (城市) State (州/省) Country (国家) Zip code/Postal code (邮政编码) 例如: Name: Tom Smith Street: 123 Main Street City: New York State: NY Country: USA Zip code: 10001 2.2 贴纸 贴纸是指粘贴在英语明信片右上角的邮票。邮票的选择应注意不...
JSNY8M_24_VDC ELECTRO sensor DR1000 en, Parkh?user, Toilettenanlagen, REXTOTH 比例放大卡 VT-VSPA2-50-10/T1 parker 1C970-12-6 FRAKO ELKO 3 300Uf 电容器 意大利GEFRAN传感器F006784AC6-A-1-K-C-C-I SY20TRSKF 23800-20500801618min76 EMG-3346LA14.1 Phoenix 2800585S130812046267 KUEBLER8.0...
New York, NY 10001 邮编扩展码:部分地址会使用“ZIP+4”编码(如90001-1234),需完整填写以提升投递效率。四、常见错误与验证建议州名混淆:避免使用非标准缩写(如“Cal.”代替“CA”),需参照USPS官方缩写表。 邮编遗漏:美国地址必须包含5位或9位邮编,否则可能导致投递延迟。 标点冗...