The B minor guitar chord's notes: 1(B) - b3(D) - 5(F#) B minor chord's recommended scales: Pentatonic Minor scale, Blues scale, Phrygian scale, Aeolian scale and the Dorian scale. See the B minor guitar chord in detail (with midi audio sound samples). More: the B minor guitar...
在上一期的教学中,我们详细了解了大小调五声音阶及布鲁斯音阶-布鲁斯大调五声音阶 (EBlues Major Pentatonic Scale)和布鲁斯小调五声音阶 (E Blues Minor PentatonicScale)。在这期的教学中,我们将学习另一个在布鲁斯/摇滚乐中非常重要的调式-多利亚调式(DorianMode)。 同上一期教学一样,本期教学的乐句(不包含音阶练...
D melodic minor scale harmonized triads Dm Em Faug G A Bdim Dbdim C melodic minor scale harmonized triads Cm Dm Ebaug F G Adim Bdim Scales Related to Bdim\FA natural minor D melodic minor C# Diminished (halftone - wholetone) A Diminished (wholetone - halftone) D major blues D ...
A melodic minor scale harmonized 7th chords Am(maj7) Bm7 Cmaj7#5 D7 E7 Gbdim7 Abm7b5 Scales Related to Bm7F# harmonic minor G major G# Diminished (halftone - wholetone) F# natural minor E pentatonic neutral D Diatonic E natural minor A major A melodic minor B Blues B Diminished (...
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这个音阶概念我引用自Joe Stump的课程。比起科学意义上的音阶,它更类似于一种将音阶组合的演奏习惯。因为该种音阶组合方式在德州吉他手中十分常见,他在课上也称之为“德克萨斯布鲁斯音阶”(TexasBlues Scale)。 4.1 这个混合音阶的一种形式是将E布鲁斯小调五声音阶(E - G - A - B♭ - B - D)和E多利亚调...
Played with The ALBERT KING BAND, Master of 6 String, 12 String & National Resonator Slide Guitars.
GUITAR KIDS RHAPSODY 拥有绝不让渡之物才是真正的自由,无拘无束并非自由,任谁都是。22. 让你想起自己的歌曲 ザ・ルーズ 抓狂般的大学生活,最近开始有点怀念了。23. 你认为每个人都该听的歌曲 GUITAR KIDS RHAPSODY:同21. パーフェクトライフ:明确指出了人性的矛盾和胆怯,同时却奋力地挣扎,充盈着正面能量...
According toan interviewwith his wifePieta Brown, she played that guitar on her albumMercury. Benson Ramsey of The Pines and his script-logo LG-2 I’ve been following The Pines since their first self-titled album in 2004. Their atmospheric take on folk and blues is unique and every album...
“Continental Trailways Blues.” Yello is back with “Lost Again” which originally appeared on their 1983 albumGotta Say Yes To Another Excess. To me it seems that by 1987, the soundtracks to the Hughes films had moved from being the leading edge of New Wave tastes, but that was ...