Asset inventory of over 800 public bug bounty programs. - asset-inventory/targets.json at 785ac271dbd80269a320a3811ae83711b13906eb · cyberasset/asset-inventory
目前还有研究提出了可以干预IBD的饮食策略,包括低 发酵性寡糖、二糖、单糖和多元醇饮食(lowfermentable oligo-,di-,mono-sacchar-ides and polyols diet)、旧石器时代饮食(paleolithic diet)、纯素饮食、格罗宁根抗炎饮食(Groningen anti-inflammatory diet)、地中海饮食...
Tree-ring width of Quercus species from historical object sample 6784B/01A, Netherlands, Groningen Preßler, Erhard (2012): Tree-ring width of Quercus species from historical object sample 6784B/01A, Netherlands, Groningen. Preßler GmbH - Planung und Bauforschung, Gersten/Germany, doi:...
THE ALEXANDER ROMANCE - (R.) Stoneman, (K.) Nawotka, (A.) Wojciechowska (edd.) The Alexander Romance: History and Literature. (Ancient Narrative Supplementum 25.) Pp. xvi + 322, b/w & colour ills, b/w & colour maps. Groningen: Barkhuis &......
Preßler, Erhard (2010): Tree-ring width of Quercus species from historical object sample 6330B/07A, Netherlands, Groningen. Preßler GmbH - Planung und Bauforschung, Gersten/Germany, doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.146093Erhard Preßler
Breadcrumbs asset-inventory / targets.jsonTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 11182 lines (11182 loc) · 261 KB Raw { "targets": [ { "name": "Acorns Grow, Inc.", "domains": [ "" ], "wildcard_filters": [], "url": "" }, { "...
eb,BB0s1Rmme1somn2ddeeccaayyt.har,opu1ghmtehseon charged-current process; c, a B0s decay through the direct flavour changing neutral current process, which is forbidden in the SM, as indicated by a large red 'X'; d, e, higher-order flavour changing neutral current processes for the B0...
格罗宁根大学和世界其他许多大学历来都保持着联系就中国地区而言先后与武汉大学签署了谅解备忘录并且和复旦大学联合成立了荷兰研究中心 荷兰名校荷兰格罗宁根大学简介 荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)创建于1614年,是欧洲最古老的大学之一。它不仅是欧洲首屈一指的科研型大学,同时也在国际上享有极高的声誉,与其他...