在pro-B cell阶段,B细胞还未进行轻链重组,为了检验是否合成有功能的重链,B细胞会同时表达VpreB和λ5两种蛋白与重链μ chain结合。VpreB与轻链的V区结构类似,而λ5与C区类似,两者共同形成伪轻链(surrogate light chain),与重组的重链组合成pre-B cell receptor。pre-B cell receptor与成熟B细胞的BCR结构十分接近。
1968年,米勒和学生证实小鼠中也存在两类免疫细胞,它们分别发挥不同的功能。1974年,库珀小组和多家实验室几乎同时证明了哺乳动物的B细胞来源于骨髓。巧合的是,骨髓(bone marrow)的英文首字母也是B,因此B细胞的名称沿用至今。至此,哺乳动物也有B细胞和T细胞两类免疫细胞的结论得到证明。 B细胞和T细胞来源模型(...
Long‐term bone marrow cultureStromal cellsB lymphocyte development occurs in the intersinusoidal spaces of bone marrow in association with a sessile population of stromal cells. Development of long-term bone marrow culture systems that support B lymphopoiesis has allowed the isolation of stromal cells...
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Dankoski E. 2019 Lasker Basic Research Award celebrates immunologists Jacques Miller and Max Cooper. J Clin Invest, 2019, 129(10):3966-3968. Garcia KC. Dual Arms of Adaptive Immunity: Division of Labor and Collaboration between B and T Cells. Cell, 2019, 179(1):3-7. Gitlin AD, Nussenzw...
org/10.1111/acel.12959[8] Shahaf, G., Zisman-Rozen, S., Benhamou, D., Melamed, D., & Mehr, R. (2016). B Cell Development in the Bone Marrow Is Regulated by Homeostatic Feedback Exerted by Mature B Cells. Frontiers in immunology, 7, 77. https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2016....
Introduction: Primary Mediastinal Large B-cell Lymphoma (PMBCL) is one of the primary extranodal lymphomas and originating from the thymic medulla B-cells. PMBCL is localized in the anterior and upper mediastinum, often with compression of the superior vena cava and with tumor infiltration of the ...
B-cell number decreased spe- cifically in the bone marrow of ZA-treated mice. ZA did not directly affect B-cell differentiation, proliferation and apoptosis, but induced a decrease in the expression of CXCL12 and IL-7 by stromal cells, associated with reduced osteoblastic engagement. Equivalent ...
CLPs, common lymphoid progenitors; BM, bone marrow; RAG, recombinase activating genes; TdT, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase; SLC, surrogate light chain; BCR, B cell receptor B细胞的成熟 未成熟的B细胞将在几天内离开骨髓,并进入循环系统作为过渡B细胞(transitional B cells)。根据细胞表面标记的表达...
系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)是自身免疫性疾病,在全球范围内影响着数百万人,多发于青年女性,可累及多器官多系统,严重者导致死亡。SLE的一个核心特征是B细胞自身耐受被打破,从而导致异常活化和大量自身抗体的产生。 一项发表在Arthritis & rheumatology上题为“Single-cell profiling of bone marrow B cells uncovers early B ...