中国研究者首次成功揭示儿童B急淋MRD本质及耐药机制 2022年2月10日,Nature子刊Nature Cell Biology正式发表了研究论文——Elucidating Minimal Residual Disease of Paediatric B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia by Single-cell Analysis,引发领域内的广泛关注。中国医学科学院血液病医院(中国医学科学院血液学研究所)...
Introduction: B- Cell lymphoblastic leukaemia of blood cancer that influences B- Lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that create within the delicate marrow of your bones (marrow) [1]. When healthy blood cells start to alter and expand out of control, this is called leukaemia. ALL is a...
2022年2月10日,Nature子刊Nature Cell Biology正式发表了研究论文——Elucidating Minimal Residual Disease of Paediatric B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia by Single-cell Analysis,引发领域内的广泛关注。 中国医学科学院血液病医院(中国医学科学院血液学研究所)程涛教授、竺晓凡教授和清华大学古槿副教授是本文的通讯...
诺禾单细胞在开年迎来了新的成果,2月10日,中国医学科学院血液学研究所竺晓凡、程涛团队与清华大学古槿团队在Nature Cell Biology上发表了题为“Elucidating minimal residual disease of paediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia by single-cell analysis”的学术论文。本文通过单细胞转录组及单细胞VDJ测序实现了对...
Vecchio LD, Fasanaro A, Schiavone EM, Ferrara F. B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) heterogeneity (letter). Br J Haematol 1989; 72:291.Vecchio LD,Fasanaro A,Schiavone EM,Ferrara F.B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia(B- ALL) heterogeneity(letter).Br J Haematol 1989;72:291....
This report describes an unusual case of B-lymphoblastic leukaemia with cup-like morphology. 【翻译】这篇报道记叙了一例颇为罕见的具有杯口状核原始细胞的原始B淋巴细胞白血病。 Whether this morphology is related to the TP53 and/or DNMT...
since this disease is highly represented in the infant and paediatric population, this review will focus on this demographic group and summarise the biological, clinical and epidemiological knowledge on B cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia of four well characterised subtypes: t(4;11) MLL-AF4, t(12...
1. Pui CH. Precision medicine in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.Front Med.Dec 2020;14(6):689-700. 2. Zhang Y, Wang S, Zhang J, et al. Elucidating minimal residual disease of paediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaem...
[6]Theunissen PMJ,van den Branden A,Van Der Sluijs-Gelling A,et al.Understanding the reconstitution of the B-cell compartment in bone marrow and blood after treatment for B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia[J].Br J Haematol,2017,178(2):267-278. [7]Mielle J,Tison A,Cornec D,...