Beautiful and quiet Victorian villa situated a short stroll from Pitlochry town centre, Pitlochry Festival Theatre and the Salmon Ladder & Hydro Dam.
A couple of these paths pass near Neuschwanstein Castle, a beautiful structure that is the perfect backdrop for the se a of orange and red leaves.Pitlochry, Scotland The Scottish Highlands can be the perfect place to see fall leaves. Parts of the place are famous for their treeless ...
The best B&Bs in the UK for 2019 have been announced by the AA Hotel & Hospitality Services in their annual prestigious B&B Awards.
On Wednesday the 18th of September we left Pitlochry and drove the ‘Snow Road’ A93 through the Cairngorms with stops at The Lair, Braemar, and on to Dunnottar Castle on the North Sea. We stayed near to the castle at a B&B that was wonderful. I’m posting this after we moved on s...
在皮特洛赫里西地住宿加早餐旅馆入住期间,您可以步行前往The Christmas Emporium、MacNaughtons of Pitlochry和Pitlochry Station Bookshop等临近景点,开启愉快假期。 客人通常在皮特洛赫里西地住宿加早餐旅馆住几晚? 从过往数据来看,客人平均在皮特洛赫里西地住宿加早餐旅馆住1 晚晚。 皮特洛赫里西地住宿加早餐旅馆在...
Pitlochry Youth Hostel提供哪些水上活動? Pitlochry Youth Hostel提供獨木舟和釣魚等水上活動,讓您盡情享受玩水的樂趣。 Pitlochry Youth Hostel提供洗衣服務嗎? 有的!Pitlochry Youth Hostel提供便利的床單和衣物熱水清洗,讓您即使在度假期間,仍可隨時保持喜愛的衣物乾淨清新;若想了解更多資訊,請聯絡住宿。 Pitl...
皮特洛赫里大坝和鲑鱼台阶 Salmon Ladder at Pitlochry Dam 7.7分10人点评皮特洛赫里榜第1位 felix109:从镇中心出发有好几条步道可以走。绕大坝和fish ladder算是很轻度的一条步道了,一两个小时就可以完成。大坝本身没有什么特别的地方,倒是那个fish ladder很有趣。他们在每个ladder的管道中间放了一个池子,池子中有...
天空之岛 Isle of Skye 威廉堡 Fort William 苏格兰高地 Scottish Highlands 皮特洛赫里 Pitlochry 爱丁堡 Edinburgh 曼彻斯特 Manchester 出发: 爱丁堡 20:14 到达: 曼彻斯特 (piccadilly) 23:27 距离:280KM,89%的用户选择了火车,平均用时3小时。 0km 出发: 爱丁堡 20:14 到达: 曼彻斯特 23:27 距离:280...
Ross Fountain (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) 19 June, 2024Benjie LayugLeave a reply Ross Fountain with Edinburgh Castle in the background The highlight of our visit to the Princes Street Gardens was our photo ops at theRoss Fountain, the focus of the western end of the gardens and the park’...
Clinical Psychology and Medicine: A Behavioral Perspective This book had its origins In a conference, organised by the Scottish Assocation for Behaviour Modification (SABM), which took place from September 29th to October 2nd, 1980 in Pitlochry, Scotland. The SABM was founded in the early 1970s...