, are a trademark. Presenting themselves as a positive, enthusiastic, slightly oddball party band, the B-52s tell tall tales, glorify wild youth, and celebrate wild romance. The band name had long been "The B-52's", until 2008 when they dropped the apostrophe and are now "The B-52s"...
魔力36000护甲2400对敌方全体造成36000(力量x1)点物理伤害,160%几率造成抗性衰减。抗性衰减:减少目标9003(3+技巧x0.25)点抗性,持续10000秒。基础命中率: 90%。基础暴击率: 85%。冷却时间增加2秒(当前4.6秒)。对敌方全体造成72000(魔力x2)点魔法伤害,1000%几率造成灼伤。灼伤:每秒失去450(0+技巧x0.0125)点生命,...
The B-52's is the debut album by the Athens, Georgia-based new wave band the B-52's. WikiMatrix The B52s (hasta 2008 The B-52's) son una banda de new wave formada en la ciudad de Athens, Georgia, un importante centro de rock alternativo. The B-52s (styled as The B-52'...
魔力36000护甲2400对敌方全体造成36000(力量x1)点物理伤害,160%几率造成抗性衰减。抗性衰减:减少目标9003(3+技巧x0.25)点抗性,持续10000秒。基础命中率: 90%。基础暴击率: 85%。冷却时间增加2秒(当前4.6秒)。对敌方全体造成72000(魔力x2)点魔法伤害,1000%几率造成灼伤。灼伤:每秒失去450(0+技巧x0.0125)点生命,...