B-52轰炸机(英语:B-52 long-range subsonic jet-powered strategic bomber,绰号:Stratofortress,译文:同温层堡垒,通称:波音B-52“同温层堡垒”),是美国一型八发动机远程战略轰炸机。 B-52轰炸机用于替换B-36轰炸机执行战略轰炸任务,由美国波音公司(Boeing)研制,于1948年提出设计方案,1952年第一架原型机首飞,1955年...
And we start by taking you to experience the exclusive access we gained onboard one of the jewels of the U.S. Air Force fleet, the B-52 bomber.首先,我们将带您体验我们在美国空军机队的瑰宝之一 B-52 轰炸机上获得的独家体验。CNN was the first news organization to be given access to a ...
参考译文:在2017年巴克斯代尔空军基地航空展上,B-29超级堡垒“Doc”、B-17飞行堡垒“Thunderbird”和B-52同温层堡垒以编队形式飞行。图片来源:Senior Airman Curt Beach The B-52 shared many technological similarities with the preceding B-47 Stratojet strategic bomber. The two aircraft used the same basic...
B-21“突袭者”(英语:B-21 Raider)或(英文旧称:Long Range Strike Bomber,LRS-B;中文:远程打击轰炸机)是美国空军研发中的远程轰炸机,用于取代美军现役的B-52、B-1和B-2幽灵战略轰炸机。与美国另一个轰炸机项目–“下一代轰炸机”(Next-Generation Bomber,NGB)相比,LRS-B更注重降低成本。现时由于美国财政...
B-52 Bomber is a game in which you fly with famous bomber B-52. You can choose between several missions in which you have to destroy various objects on the gro…
b52轰炸机(B 52 Bomber)是一款能体验b52轰炸机的手机游戏,在游戏中你将驾驶战机轰炸来袭的敌军战舰,主义别失误攻击到岛屿,感兴趣的小伙伴快来下载吧。 b52轰炸机游戏介绍 b52轰炸机手机版一款模拟轰炸机的手机游戏,在海面上使用导弹来轰炸敌军,避免被炮火击落,游戏有着多个高难度的任务可以解锁挑战,快来下载开始游戏...
This isn't a new idea: the US X-15 plane piggybacked on a B-52 bomber and its first flight predated Apollo 11 by a decade. 这并非什么新想法:美国的X-15飞机便是搭乘B-52轰炸机升空的,其首飞比阿波罗11号早了10年。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In the 1970s, the U. S. military wanted a...
B-52 Bomber is a game in which you fly with famous bomber B-52. You can choose between several missions in which you have to destroy various objects on the gro…
Air Force fleet, the B-52 bomber. 首先,我们将带您体验独家访问美国空军舰队的瑰宝之一,B-52轰炸机。 CNN was the first news organization to be given access to a B-52 and its command center. CNN是第一家获准进入B-52及其指挥中心的新闻机构。 We were onboard as the B-52 flew one of the ...