B-21最初的型号是B-3,是作为B-2“幽灵”轰炸机的后继机型,但后来改为B-21,“B”是轰炸机的英文“Bomber”的首字母,而21则表示21世纪,B-21就是21世纪轰炸机的意思。 美国现役有三款战略轰炸机,B-52“同温层堡垒”是上世纪50年代研制装备的老旧机型,虽然经过了多次改进和技术升级,但终究是七十年前的古董...
Air Force leaders gave an update on the B-21 Raider, a futuristic aircraft that is expected to become the United States' next nuclear stealth bomber. The aircraft can deliver both "conventional and nuclear munitions," according to a news release from the Air Force, but will be "critical ...
B-21“突袭者”(英语:B-21 Raider)或(英文旧称:Long Range Strike Bomber,LRS-B;中文:远程打击轰炸机)是美国空军研发中的远程轰炸机,用于取代美军现役的B-52、B-1和B-2幽灵战略轰炸机。与美国另一个轰炸机项目–“下一代轰炸机”(Next-Generation Bomber,NGB)相比,LRS-B更注重降低成本。现时由于美国财政...
的确,美军对外界宣扬的就是B-21“极为”隐身。也就是说,会比F-22、F-35和B-2的隐身性能还要好。 重点是,B-21的隐身性能是否真的好到解放军无法探测呢? 如果解放军还是可以探测到,这会是美军又一次地低估了对手。 如果B-21的隐身优势不存在,美军要大量生产、大量部署B-21,恐怕又是白忙活了。
The Air Force estimates it would cost more than $300 million to restructure the next-generation B-21 bomber contract from a cost-plus to a fixed-price contract, according to the service's military deputy for acquisition. The service awarded Northrop Grumman a cost-plus engineering and ...
That bold, innovative and courageous spirit of the Doolittle Raiders has been the inspiration behind the name of America’s next generation bomber, the B-21 Raider, in development now by the U.S. Air Force and Northrop Grumman. Learn More About the Doolittle Raiders ...
The Air Force said the "B-21" designation was chosen because the aircraft is the first new bomber of the 21st century, while the name "Raider" was selected to represent the Doolittle Raiders, who flew a surprise attack during World War II. ...
The U.S. Air Force and Northrop Grumman released the first new images of the B-21 Raider in nearly four years. The new bomber is similar to the B-2A Spirit, but subtle differences hint at some major changes. The B-21 Raider is expected to fly for the first time sometime in 2022...