维基百科(Wikipedia)是美国维基媒体基金会的互联网百科项目,其内容可能受到立场、信息来源等因素影响,请客观看待。正文内容不代表译者观点。辽观提供的翻译仅供参考。文中可能包含无法从中国内地访问的链接。辽观所搬运的词条文本与维基百科一道同样遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议(辽观搬运的中英文对照版本),在符合协议要求的...
4.5 自我防卫 | Bomber defense 4.6 德国空军的攻击 | Luftwaffe attacks 4.7 德国所俘虏的B-17 | Luftwaffe-captured B-17s 4.8 苏联扣留的B-17轰炸机 | Soviet-interned B-17s 4.9 瑞士扣留的B-17轰炸机 | Swiss-interned B-17s 4.10 日本虏获的B-17 | Japanese-captured B-17s 4.11 战后岁月 | Postwar...
Major Ployer Peter Hill and Boeing employee Les Tower, took the Model 299 on a second evaluation flight. The crew forgot to disengage the airplane's "gust lock," a device that held the bomber's movable control surfaces in place while the plane was parked on the ground,...
将“ B-17轟炸機 "自动翻译成 挪威博克马尔文 B-17 bomber Glosbe Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“B-17轟炸機"翻译成 挪威博克马尔文 轟炸任務在1944年2月15日上午實施,由142架B-17“空中堡壘”聯同47架B-25“米切爾”和40架B-26“掠奪者”中型轟炸機執行。 Bombetoktene ble innledet...
在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“B-17轟炸機"翻译成 荷兰文 第15航空隊的21個轟炸機團中則有6個操作B-17轟炸機。 De 15e luchtmacht bestond uit 21 bombergroups waarvan er 6 met B-17 ́s waren uitgerust. LASER-wikipedia2 B-17空中堡壘轟炸機(B-17flying fortress)是美國波音在1930年代為美國陸軍航空軍...
The Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress is a four-engined heavy bomber developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). LASER-wikipedia2 1940年7月,陸航更提出了一筆512架B-17的訂單;然而,在珍珠港事變之前,僅有不到200架的B-17轟炸機已服役於美國陸軍之中。 In July 1940, an...
bwana (redirected fromB'wana) bwa·na (bwä′nə) n. Used as a form of respectful address in parts of Africa. [Swahili, from Arabic'abūnā,our father:'abū, bound form of'ab,father; seeʔbinSemitic roots+-nā,our.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. B-17, Queen of the Skies is a solitaire board wargame published in the US in 1983 by Avalon Hill and is a simulation of the experiences of a single B-17F Flying...
Some history at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doc_(aircraft)More history at Various places on net, just do the search Report Bennie Mabe5 年以前 The B-29 DOC is One Big Beautiful Bomber Aircraft! Report a mentor5 年以前 Notice TB-29 & missing dorsal turret? -- it's a trai...
Mason, Francis K. The British Bomber since 1914. London:Putnam, 1994. ISBN 0 85177 861 5. Sopwith B.1 Pictures and Sopwith B.1 for Sale. Living Warbirds: The best warbirds DVD series. Source: WikiPedia