4.5 自我防卫 | Bomber defense 4.6 德国空军的攻击 | Luftwaffe attacks 4.7 德国所俘虏的B-17 | Luftwaffe-captured B-17s 4.8 苏联扣留的B-17轰炸机 | Soviet-interned B-17s 4.9 瑞士扣留的B-17轰炸机 | Swiss-interned B-17s 4.10 日本虏获的B-17 | Japanese-captured B-17s 4.11 战后岁月 | Postwar...
【参考译文】三架幸存并修复为军用飞机的B-17在事故中被摧毁,如下表所示。[181]此外,44-85734号(仍列在幸存者表中)在2011年6月13日被迫降落后遭受了严重的火灾损坏,需要长期修复工作,但至今尚未完成。7. 作为象征的“堡垒”| Fortresses as a symbol...
B-52轰炸机(英语:B-52 long-range subsonic jet-powered strategic bomber,绰号:Stratofortress,译文:同温层堡垒,通称:波音B-52“同温层堡垒”),是美国一型八发动机远程战略轰炸机。B-52轰炸机用于替换B-36轰炸机执行战略轰炸任务,由美国波音公司(Boeing)研制,于1948年提出设计方案,1952年第一架原型机...
And we start by taking you to experience the exclusive access we gained onboard one of the jewels of the U.S. Air Force fleet, the B-52 bomber.首先,我们将带您体验我们在美国空军机队的瑰宝之一 B-52 轰炸机上获得的独家体验。CNN was the first news organization to be given access to a ...
B-21“突袭者”战略轰炸机(简称B-21),英文名:B-21 Bomber,又称远程打击轰炸机(LRS-B),是美国空军正在研发的一种核常兼备的远程轰炸机,用于取代现役的B-52和B-1B轰炸机。该机由诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司研发制造,采用飞翼气动布局,具备全向全频谱隐身能力。机组成员两人,机身宽45.72米,空重约32吨,...
At the time, the US War Department doctrine did not allow for aircraft to be classified as offensive weapons. It was thought that there was no need for a long-range strategic bomber. The same argument was also made in Germany. The B-17s were considered too big, complex and expensive of...
From its pre-war inception, the USAAC (later USAAF) touted the aircraft as a strategic weapon; it was a potent, high-flying, long-range bomber that was able to defend itself, and to return home despite extensive battle damage. It quickly took on mythic proportions and widely circulated sto...
range, 400 meters, was also shorter than the B-17's 1,000 meters, and so was vulnerable while closing in through that distance. The German fighters found that when attacking from the front, where fewer defensive guns were pointed, it only took four or five hits to bring a bomber down....