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contrast, CpG-stimulated MZ B cells yielded plasma cells within 48 h with fewer cell divisions, and without intentional cytokine addition (Fig.1a–c). Importantly, we did not detect active antibody synthesis in freshly isolated MZ B cells (Supplementary Fig.1b). Consistent with the idea that...
IRF4 deficiency vulnerates B-cell progeny for leukemogenesis via somatically acquired Jak3 mutations conferring IL-7 hypersensitivity Article Open access 22 April 2022 BRG1 promotes progression of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia by disrupting PPP2R1A transcription Article Open access 26 August 202...
High frequency of luteal phase deficiency and anovulation in recreational women runners: blunted elevation in follicle-stimulating hormone observed during ... The purposes of this investigation were to evaluate the characteristics of three consecutive menstrual cycles and to determine the frequency ofluteal...