Fortunately, Betty survived to adulthood. On February 4, 1876, in Kassel, Germany, she married Isaac Rosenblatt, the son of Meier Rosenblatt and Hannchen Loewenberg. Isaac was born in Malsfeld, Germany, on December 31, 1846. Beschen Rothschild and Isaac Rosenblatt marriage record, Hessisches Ha...
Pennsylvania; NAI Number: 4492386; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004; Record Group Number: 85; Series: T840; Roll: 177, Pennsylvania, U.S.
The always platelet-shaped crystals were transferred into glass capillaries (Hilgenberg, Malsfeld, Germany; outer diameter: 0.1 mm, wall thickness: 0.01 mm) and fixed there with grease. For all RE5Br3[AsO3]4 representatives (RE = La–Nd and Sm–Tb), the measurements were carried out on ...