azurerm_firewall - 將 public_ip_address_id 屬性重新命名為 ip_address_id(#2433) azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - 虛擬節點的支援 (#2641) azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - dns_prefix 現在會強制使用新的資源,且已正確驗證 (#2611) azurerm_log_analytics_workspace_linked_service - 現在正確地處理大寫 ...
azurerm_public_ip_prefix- 对sku_tier属性的支持 (#27882) azurerm_public_ip- 对domain_name_label_scope属性的支持(#27748) 现在可以更新azurerm_subnet-default_outbound_access_enabled(#27858) azurerm_storage_container- 对storage_account_id属性的支持 (#27733) ...
name (Required) Name of the public IP to be created any n/a yes postfix (Optional) You can use a postfix to the name of the resource string "" no prefix (Optional) You can use a prefix to the name of the resource string "" no resource_group_name (Required) Resource group of the...
-PublicIPAddressConfigurationName publicIP 地址配置名称。 Type:String Aliases:PublicIPAddressName Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:True Accept wildcard characters:False -PublicIPPrefix 公共IP 前缀的 ID Type:String ...
已從PsApiManagementContext 移除屬性StaticIPs。 屬性已分割成PublicIPAddresses以及PrivateIPAddresses。 已從New-AzureApiManagementVirtualNetwork Cmdlet 移除必要的屬性Location。 Az.Billing (先前是 AzureRM.Billing、AzureRM.Consumption 和 AzureRM.UsageAggregates) ...
azurerm_public_ip azurerm_public_ip_prefix azurerm_windows_virtual_machine The following resources aren't yet publicly deprecated, but will be in the future (they're feature-frozen as there are replacements available): azurerm_virtual_machine azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set Potential Terraform ...
#$publicIPAddress = "MyNewPIP" #$publicIp = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $publicIPAddress -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $locationName -AllocationMethod Dynamic #虚拟机名称 $vmName = "这里设置虚拟机名称" $vmSize = "Standard_D3_V2" #新建Network Security Group: # Create...
#$publicIp = New-AzureRmPublicIpAddress -Name $publicIPAddress -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $locationName -AllocationMethod Dynamic #虚拟机名称 $vmName = "这里设置虚拟机名称" $vmSize = "Standard_D3_V2" #新建Network Security Group: # Create an inbound network security group...
interface_security_group_association.this]( | resource | | [azurerm_public_ip.this]( |...