NameVersion terraform >= 1.3 azurerm >= 3.11, < 4.0 random >=3.0.0 Providers NameVersion azurerm >= 3.11, < 4.0 random >=3.0.0 Modules NameSourceVersion os ./os n/a Resources NameType azurerm_availability_set.vm resource azurerm_managed_disk.vm_data_disk resource azurerm_managed_disk...
azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding a plan block for Marketplace images (#161) 0.1.2 (June 29, 2017) FEATURES: New Data Source: azurerm_managed_disk (#121) New Resource: azurerm_application_insights (#3) New Resource: azurerm_cosmosdb_account (#108) azurerm_network_in...
terraform-azurerm-avm-res-avs-privatecloud This repo is used for the Azure Verified Modules version of an Azure VMWare Solution Private Cloud resource. It includes definitions for the following common AVM interface types: Tags, Locks, Resource Level Role Assignments, Diagnostic Settings, Managed ...
我们也尝试过使用terraform通过托管磁盘和快照来创建虚拟机。正如@Marko E所建议的,* 我们也观察到了使...
This issue was originally opened by @edsonmarquezani as hashicorp/terraform#16896. It was migrated here as a result of the provider split. The original body of the issue is below. I'm currently having a hard time trying to setup an Appli...