在大多数情况下,回收进程是在出现问题后进行恢复的最快方式。 尽管始终可以从 Azure 门户直接重新启动应用,但 AutoHeal 可以自动执行此操作。 只需在应用的根 web.config 中添加一些触发器即可。 请注意,即使应用程序并非 .NET 应用程序,这些设置的工作方式也仍然相同。
I just started getting a 502 error on my static web app. This web app was previously working fine. I'm not sure what is causing this issue. My static web app URL ishttps://proud-river-044c21310.1.azurestaticapps.net. This is a React app built with Next.js and I'm using Azure pi...
在 Azure App Service 上启用 Application Request Routing
但是不想将这堆生成出来的文件往仓库里面加,所有便想着寻找其他方法。在 Azure 上看到了 Web App ...
Host .NET 8 ASP.NET Web API project, configured deployment with Github Actions Issues: Build step passed successfully and was able to upload artifacts. In deploy step, it was able to download artifacts, but when deploying on Azure App Services, it either returned 502 Bad Gateway ...
Whenever ASP.NET Core website fails to start in Azure AppService we get HTTP 502.5 error and this below error page To troubleshoot this startup error, we need to capture addition logs. Here are the steps to capture logs : 1. Go to SCM site, just add...
Error messages 后端服务器超时 消息:后端响应应用程序网关运行状况探测所需的时间超过探测设置中的超时阈值。 原因:应用程序网关将 HTTP(S) 探测请求发送到后端服务器后,它会根据配置的期限等待后端服务器的响应。 如果后端服务器未在该时间段(超时值)内响应,则将其标记为“运行不正常”,直到它再次在配置的超时...
Visual Studio opens the Web.config file from the remote app and shows [Remote] next to the file name in the title bar. Add the following line to the system.web element: <customErrors mode="Off"></customErrors> Refresh the browser that is showing the unhelpful error message, and now you...
NOTE:There are many reasons on getting 502 bad gateway error. For more details, you can checkTroubleshoot Bad Gateway errors - Azure Application Gatewayarticle. Web Dispatcher Parameters In web dispatcher, below parameters needs to be set. ...
App Configuration Hybrid + multicloud Azure DevOps Azure SQL Azure Arc Azure Local Azure Database for PostgreSQL Microsoft Defender for Cloud Azure IoT Edge Azure Monitor Microsoft Sentinel Analytics Azure Synapse Analytics Azure Databricks Microsoft Purview Azure Data Factory ...