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Azure 应用服务是一种平台即服务(PaaS),它提供完全托管的托管环境,用于生成、部署和缩放 Web 应用程序。 作为 PaaS 解决方案,应用服务抽象化底层基础结构,使你能够专注于应用程序开发。 应用服务(Web 应用)在应用服务计划的上下文中运行应用,该计划确定用于托管应用的资源、作系统、区域和定价模型(Sku)。本文...
2008 年,Leonard Richardson 提议对 Web API 使用以下成熟度模型: 级别0:定义一个 URI,所有操作是对此 URI 发出的 POST 请求。 级别1:为各个资源单独创建 URI。 级别2:使用 HTTP 方法来定义对资源执行的操作。 级别3:使用超媒体(HATEOAS,如下所述)。
It’s prudent to discuss the typical properties of Azure Functions and serverless architectures. Azure Functions provides the serverless compute component of a serverless architecture. As shown inFigure 1, Azure Functions builds on top of Azure App Service and the WebJobs SDK, adding a bit of ext...
Application Architecture This application utilizes the following Azure resources: Here's a high level architecture diagram that illustrates these components. Notice that these are all contained within a singleresource group, that will be created for you when you create the resources. ...
Over a year ago I set out to locate current, up to date and relevant Visio stencils for Azure with the intent on building reference architecture patterns for Azure services that could be used as templates for design material. Unfortunately my search came up short and I found that Microsoft ha...
create a free azure account before you begin. azure cli version 2.49.0 or later installed. to install or upgrade, see install azure cli . aks-preview azure cli extension of version 0.5.140 or later installed architecture the following diagram shows the architecture and...
Most modern web applications expose APIs that clients can use to interact with the application. A well-designed web API should aim to support: Platform independence. Any client should be able to call the API, regardless of how the API is implemented internally. This requires using standard proto...
By contrast, don't divide the schedule according to the architecture. A schedule that completes the database, then the business logic, and then the user interface will probably require a great deal of rework to integrate the parts at the end. In the same manner, a horizontal split such as...
Azure Architecture Diagram Once it is certain that technology and architecture are its priority, it is also certain that the technical plan of application will follow. Each application is discrete, but the subsequent sources can assist in the following way: ...