Should I use Azure WAF? 很显然, Azure 在 WAF 这方面还是很弱的. 建议要做 WAF 最好选 Cloudflare. 如果要用 Azure, AFD 应该会是未来. 所以可以等过了 preview 阶段. TODO 目前没有用它... 以后有在朴上 Azure Part What is Azure WAF on Azure Application Gateway? Web Application Firewall CRS ...
在此教程中,可了解如何为使用自定义域的 Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C) 租户配置Cloudflare Web 应用程序防火墙 (WAF)解决方案。 使用 Cloudflare WAF 帮助保护组织免遭恶意攻击,这些恶意攻击可能会利用漏洞,例如 SQL 注入和跨站脚本 (XSS)。
Cloudflare アカウントを作成する さらに 2 個を表示 このチュートリアルでは、カスタム ドメインを使用して、Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C) テナントに対して Cloudflare Web Application Firewall (WAF) ソリューションを構成する方法について説明します。 Cloudflare WAF を使用する...
Amazon: AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF) Microsoft: Azure Web Application Firewall Virtual Private Network Firewalls Greife auf einen verwalteten Firewall-Service zu, der es dir ermöglicht, schnell essentiellen Netzwerkschutz für deine Cloud-basierten VPNs bereitzustellen. Zentralisiere ...
Cloudflare is a WAF provider that helps organizations protect against malicious attacks that aim to exploit vulnerabilities such as SQLi, and XSS. Developer tools Microsoft partners with the following ISVs for tools that can help with implementation of your authentication solution. Expand table ISV ...
firewall (WAF) you won’t have to build yourself. It includes thousands of advanced ModSecurity WAF rules, daily updates, a management console, role-based GUI, MFA SSO, management and compliance reports, and Cloudflare integration. Find out if the powerful Atomic WAF solution is right for you...
分享回复赞 运维工程师吧 GUTINGTING乐园 菲律宾高级运维*21.AWS,Azure,Cloudflare,GCP等云端服务整合及管理2.攻击防御,ReverseProxy,CDN等功能部署,提供全球化服务3.利用Gitbucket,Gitlab,SVN,Jenkins整合更新与布署流程4.Linux操作系统环境项目建置及操作维护... 分享回复赞 东方瑞通吧 friendmarket AWS、谷歌以及Azure...
firewall (WAF) you won’t have to build yourself. It includes thousands of advanced ModSecurity WAF rules, daily updates, a management console, role-based GUI, MFA SSO, management and compliance reports, and Cloudflare integration. Find out if the powerful Atomic WAF solution is right for you...
Amazon:AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF); Microsoft:Azure Web Application Firewall. Virtual Private Network Firewalls Accedete a un servizio di firewall gestito, che consente di implementare rapidamente la protezione di rete essenziale nelle VPN basate sul cloud. Centralizzate la creazione, ...
分享回复赞 运维吧 GUTINGTING乐园 菲律宾高级运维*21.AWS,Azure,Cloudflare,GCP等云端服务整合及管理2.攻击防御,ReverseProxy,CDN等功能部署,提供全球化服务3.利用Gitbucket,Gitlab,SVN,Jenkins整合更新与布署流程4.Linux操作系统环境项目建置及操作维护... 分享回复赞 云计算吧 漫天飞26 招兼职azure,aws等云计算兼职...