$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -KeySpec Signature ` -Subject "CN=P2SRootCert" -KeyExportPolicy Exportable ` -HashAlgorithm sha256 -KeyLength 2048 ` -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\CurrentUser\My" -KeyUsageProperty Sign -KeyUsage CertSign 接下来,生成由新根证书签名的...
這些範例會使用New-SelfSignedCertificateCmdlet 來產生用戶端憑證。 範例1 - PowerShell 主控台工作階段仍然開啟 如果您在建立自我簽署根憑證後沒有關閉 PowerShell 主控台,請使用此範例。 此範例會從上一節的內容繼續,並使用宣告的 '$cert' 變數。 如果您在建立自我簽署根憑證之後關閉 PowerShell 主控台,或是在新的...
在左窗格中,找到 VPN 连接,然后选择“连接”。 Azure VPN 客户端的可选设置 以下部分介绍可用于 Azure VPN 客户端的可选配置设置。 次要配置文件 Azure VPN 客户端为客户端配置文件提供高可用性。 添加辅助客户端配置文件可让客户端以更具弹性的方式访问 VPN。 如果发生区域中断或无法连接到主 VPN 客户...
It uses the Windows in-box VPN client. As part of the point-to-site configuration, you install a certificate and a VPN client configuration package, which contains the settings that allow your computer to connect to any virtual machine or role instance within the virtual network. It's great...
Certificate Portal点到站点 VPN通过点到站点 (P2S) VPN 网关连接,可以创建从单个客户端计算机到虚拟网络的安全连接。 通过从客户端计算机启动来建立点到站点连接。 对于要从远程位置(例如从家里或会议室)连接到 Azure 虚拟网络的远程工作者,此解决方案很有用。 如果只有一些客户端需要连接到虚拟网络,则可使用站点到...
找到以下位置,按要求输入地址池地址(与VNET地址不能重复),以及VPN所需的证书。 证书可以是企业已有的证书,或自签名的证书 获得自签名证书的方法如下: 在笔记本上用以下命令创建一个名为P2SRootCert的根证书 $cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -KeySpec Signature ` ...
In this scenario, because Azure API Management is communicating with an API that has been provided, a self-signed certificate is allowed as the key exchange for the certificate is via a trusted party. For an in-depth discussion on how to configure mutual certificate authentication to secure your...
Azure Point-to-Site VPN Setup Step 1. Create a root certificate. A client certificate is required for authentication when using the Azure certificate authentication, so the first step is to create and export a self-signed root certificate. Run the PowerShell script below on a computer running ...
Yes folks, this means you can layer your traditional certificate-based authentication on top of Azure AD and AWS. After selecting the AWS SSO app, I was signed into AWS SSO and presented with the role selection screen. I then selected a one of the roles and was signed into the relevant...
App Service 有一个受信任的根证书列表,您不能在 App Service 的多租户版本中修改这些证书,但您可以...