Since the launch of Azure VMware Solution a year ago, we’ve been working to support customers globally with geographic expansion. Today, we are addingtwo new regions for Azure VMware Solution: Brazil South and East US 2. With this, Azure VMware Solution is now available in 17...
私人雲端會在 Azure 訂用帳戶內安裝及管理。 訂用帳戶內的私人雲端數目是可調整的。 一開始,每個訂用帳戶都會有一個私人雲端的限制。 Azure 訂用帳戶、Azure VMware 解決方案私人雲端、vSAN 叢集和主機之間有邏輯關聯性。下圖說明 Azure VMware 解決方案的架構元件。
Seamlessly extend or migrate your existing on-premises VMware environment to Azure VMware Solution.
Systeemeigen VMware-omgevingen op schaal in de cloud opnieuw implementeren, uitbreiden en uitvoeren met Microsoft Azure VMware Solution, volledig geverifieerd en ondersteund door VMware.
私人雲端會在 Azure 訂用帳戶內安裝及管理。 訂用帳戶內的私人雲端數目是可調整的。 一開始,每個訂用帳戶都會有一個私人雲端的限制。 Azure 訂用帳戶、Azure VMware 解決方案私人雲端、vSAN 叢集和主機之間有邏輯關聯性。下圖說明 Azure VMware 解決方案的架構元件。
如果我們將 Azure 西歐的 Azure 虛擬網路連線到西歐的 Azure VMware 解決方案私人雲端,則不會有 ExpressRoute 網路閘道費用以外的任何 ExpressRoute 費用。 如果我們將 Azure 南歐的 Azure 虛擬網路連線到西歐的 Azure VMware 解決方案私人雲端,則不會有 ExpressRoute 網路閘道費用以外的任何 ExpressRoute 費用。
(**)AV64 必要條件:在新增AV64之前,必須先 Azure VMware 解決方案 使用AV36、AV36P或AV52部署的私人雲端。 您可以透過 Azure 入口網站 或 Azure CLI 部署新的或調整現有的私人雲端。 Azure VMware 解決方案 具有AV64節點大小的私人雲端擴充功能 AV64 是新的 Azure VMware 解決方案 主機 SKU,可供擴充(而非建...
Explore trends and solutions in the current VMware landscape. Learn how to boost stability, security, and cost savings while minimizing migration disruption with Azure VMware Solution. View technical sessions for VMware administrators—with topics such as security, networking, disaster recovery and resilie...
Hi everyone, I know that maybe the subject is a bit generic, but, if anyone would enlighten me on that I`d be really grateful.I`m currently considering...
With Azure VMware Solution, you can modernize your infrastructure by moving workloads to the cloud while leveraging the same tools and skill sets you use in your existing environment. Because AVS uses the same VMware components that you have on-premises, you can build a scalable, elastic, hybrid...