VirtualMachineUpdate 提供給更新虛擬機作業的參數。 VMDiskSecurityProfile 指定受控磁碟的安全性配置檔。 VMGalleryApplication 指定應該提供給 VM/VMSS 的資源庫應用程式 VMSizeProperties 指定自定義虛擬機大小的屬性。 API 版本下限:2021-07-01。 此功能仍處於預覽模式,VirtualMachineScaleSet 不支援此功能。 如...
AzureUpdateDomain string 服务器的更新域。 仅适用于 Azure VM 和 VMSS 实例。 AzureVmId string 服务器的 Azure ID。 仅适用于 Azure VM 和 VMSS 实例。 AzureVmScaleSetDeployment string 对于规模集,则为服务器的部署 ID。 AzureVmScaleSetInstanceId string 对于规模集,则为服务器的实例 ID。 AzureVmScale...
Specifies the maximum price you are willing to pay for a Azure Spot VM/VMSS. This price is in US Dollars. This price will be compared with the current Azure Spot price for the VM size. Also, the prices are compared at the time of create/update of Azure Spot VM/VMSS and the operati...
$rgname="hwvmss"$vmssname="hwvmss"$vmss= Get-AzureRmVmss -ResourceGroupName$rgname` -VMScaleSetName$vmssname$xmlcfg= Get-Content D:\Azure\VMSS\diag_nosubid.xml$xmlCfg= [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($xmlCfg))$storageAccountName="hwvmss"$stora...
可以在portal上设置缩放规则,同时VMSS也可以与数据磁盘结合使用 (4) Automate deployment of Virtual Machines (VMs) Modify Azure Resource Manager template { "$schema": "", #必须存在,描述模板语言版本的 JSON 架构文件所在的位...
usage: vmssupgrade -r rgname -s vmssname -n newversion {-u updatedomain|-i vmid|-l vmlist} [-y][-v][-h] Examples Upgrading a single VM in a VM Scale Set This example upgrades VM id #1 and sets verbose mode, which will display the provisioning state every 5 seconds until complet...
"enableFloatingIP": false, "idleTimeoutInMinutes": 4, "protocol": "Tcp", "enableTcpReset": true, "backendIPConfiguration": { "id": "/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/testrg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/vmss1/virtualMachines/3/networkInterfaces/nic1/ipConfigurations/ip1"...
set VM instance is placed in a different fault domain. Since Azure Stack hosts can be filled up at varying levels prior to trying placement, VMs in an availability set or VMSS may fail at creation due to the lack of capacity to place the VM/ VMSS instances on separate Azure Stack hosts...
A konzisztencia érdekében átnevezte az "-AutoOSUpgrade" paramétert a New-AzVmssConfig parancsmag "-EnableAutomaticOSUpgrade" elemére. Az "-AutoOSUpgrade" paraméternévként való használata továbbra is működni fog, mivel aliasként lesz hozzáadva. Az Azure.Core 1.37.0-ra fris...
The prefix each VMSS Name is given when deploying the FortiGate autoscale template. The value of this parameter should be the same as for deploy_funcapp.json. The prefix cannot contain special characters \/""[]:|<>+=;,?*@& or begin with '_' or end with '.' or '-'. ...