AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $vmName Stop-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Name $vmName -Force $vm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.DiskSizeGB = 1023 Update-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -VM $vm Start-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $resource...
Are you running out of space on the OS or data disk of your Azure VM? Here is a simple way to resize the OS or the data disk. Resizing of the disk is done using Azure PowerShell. If you don’t have Azure PowerShell on your local machine, then you can follow the documentation to...
Azure上VM的OS盘的大小在创建时是固定的。Windows是127G,Linux是30G。如果需要批量创建的VM的OS Disk有更大的容量。可以考虑用下面的方法实现。 1 创建一台有Data-disk的CentOS VM,对其进行客户化,安装软件,挂载磁盘 2 扩大OS Disk的容量 3在VM内resize OS Disk的容量 4 把这台VM捕获成Azure的Image 5 通过...
1) Resize the OS disk using these PowerShell cmdlets or the Azure CLI. The VM needs to be in stopped (deallocated) state to run these commands PowerShell: $rg = “YourResourceGroupName” $vmName = “YourVMName” $vm = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName...
1. Navigate to the Virtual Machine (VM) that you would like to resize the disk(s). 2. Shutdown the VM from the Azure portal. Make sure it's completely shutdown (de-allocated) 3. Select 'Disks' in the Settings blade. 4. Select the OS/Data disk that you woul...
Do not execute command 'az vm stop' before 'az vm deallocate', that will make omagentforlinux extension keep transioning state. 2. Temporary Disk –Navigate to VM –Click Size Settings. –Choose different VM Size –Click Resize 3. Data Disk ...
$VM ) $datadiskname= "$prefix"+"$(get-random)" $osdisk= Get-AzureOSDisk–$VM $VM $baseuri= $osdisk.MediaLink.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0,($osdisk.MediaLink.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf('/')+1)) $datadiskuri= $baseuri+$datadiskname+".vhd" ...
the C drive of the VM I createdherestarted to fill up. I needed to install some software that only gave me the option to install to the C drive. The installer was telling me there wasn’t enough disk space. Here’s what I did to increase the size of the OS disk of my Azure VM...
Get-AzureVM-ServiceName"vfldev"-Name"vfldev"| get-AzureOSDisk 3)# 使用正确的 ServiceName 和 VM Name 取代上述参数。 Update-AzureDisk –DiskName"vfldev-vfldev..."-Label"ResiZedOS"-ResizedSizeInGB100 4)# 用步骤一获取的 OSdisk 的名字取代上述的 DiskName,并输入想要扩容的磁盘大小。 5)#通过...
朋友把mac book pro拿来让我帮删除下用bootcamp安装的win10系统,于是就打开mac进入实用工具->磁盘工具-...