Microsoft Azure VMs come in predefined sizes that are referred to as either series or families and map to a specific Microsoft Azure VM Type based on common use cases. Individual VMs within a series is referred to as VM Instance. For more information, see Sizes for Windows virtual machines ...
开始使用 Azure 案例研究 案例研究 案例研究 返回“客户案例”部分 获取Azure 移动应用
{ "type": "PowerShell", "name": "installFSLogix", "runElevated": true, "runAsSystem": true, "scriptUri": "" 注释代码:VM 映像生成器生成日志 customiza...
PowerShell:Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.ContainerInstance 超出Azure 容器实例配额 错误 text复制 Azure Container Instances quota exceeded" 原因 订阅没有足够的 Azure 容器实例 (ACI) 配额,Azure 映像生成器无法成功生成映像。
Learn more about Compute service - Retrieves information about the model view or the instance view of a virtual machine. Metadata Service 用の Azure リソース エンドポイントのマネージド ID。 api-versionクエリ文字列パラメーター。IMDS エンドポイントの API バージョンです。 API バージョン2018-02-01以上を使用してください。
删除VM 映像生成器模板。 Azure CLI az resource delete\--resource-group$sigResourceGroup\--resource-typeMicrosoft.VirtualMachineImages/imageTemplates \-nhelloImageTemplateforSIG01 删除权限分配、角色和标识。 Azure CLI az role assignment delete\--assignee$imgBuilderCliId\--role"$imageRoleDefName"\--sco...
RestorePointInstanceView RestorePointSourceMetadata RestorePointSourceVMDataDisk RestorePointSourceVMOSDisk RestorePointSourceVMStorageProfile RetrieveBootDiagnosticsDataResult RoleInstance RoleInstanceInstanceView RoleInstanceNetworkProfile RoleInstanceProperties RoleInstances RollbackStatusInfo RollingUpgradeActionType R...
In this session we show you how we migrated an on-premises MongoDB database to Azure Cosmos DB and SQL Server database to an Azure SQL Server Managed Instance. You’ll learn about data preparation decisions, performing the migration, and ensuring your application has zero downtime while switch...
Create an Event Hub under the same name space. SelectShared access policiesunder Event Hub instance and addSAS policyby providing policy name and selectmanage,send, andlistenoptions. Create an Event/Event Grid System Topic Subscription underIoT Hub - Eventswith below options. ...