PowerShell 复制 OSProfile : ComputerName : myVM AdminUsername : myUserName WindowsConfiguration : ProvisionVMAgent : True EnableAutomaticUpdates : True 使用以下脚本返回一个简明的列表,其中包含 VM 名称(运行中的 Windows OS)以及 Azure Windows VM 代理的状态:PowerShell 复制 ...
若要在 Windows VM 上使用此模式,请设置属性osProfile.windowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates=false,并在 VM 模板中设置属性osProfile.windowsConfiguration.patchSettings.patchMode=Manual。 启用此模式会将注册表项 SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU\NoAutoUpdate 设置为 1 ImageDefault: 只有Linu...
$vm.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.EnableAutomaticUpdates = $False $vm.OSProfile.WindowsConfiguration.PatchSettings.PatchMode = "Manual" Update-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -VM $vm Update-AzVM: Changing property 'windowsConfiguration.enableAutomaticUpdates' is not allowed. ErrorCode...
了解如何管理 Arc VM。 这包括启动、停止、重启、查看 Azure 本地版本 23H2 上运行的 Arc VM 的属性等操作。
EnableAutomaticUpdates=true, ResetPasswordOnFirstLogon=false, ComputerName=vmName, AdminUserName="UserName", AdminPassword="Password1!", InputEndpoints=newBindingList<InputEndpoint>{newInputEndpoint { LocalPort =3389, Name ="RDP", Protocol ="tcp"},newInputEndpoint { LocalPort =80, Port =80, Nam...
"provisionVMAgent": true, This is a hint to install a guest agent that does a bunch of config and runs the extensions. The guest agent binaries are here – C:WindowsAzurePackages "enableAutomaticUpdates": true Windows VMs by default are set to receive auto updates from Windows Update Servic...
Enable replication for a newly added disk– You can enable replication for a data disk that’s been newly added to an Azure VM that’s already configured for disaster recovery. Azure natively provides you the high availability and reliability for your mission-critical workloads, and you...
{ "provisionVMAgent": true, "enableAutomaticUpdates": true, "timeZone": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "additionalUnattendContent": [ { "passName": "OobeSystem", "componentName": "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup", "settingName": "AutoLogon", "content": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" } ], "patchSettings"...
done by enabling guest management on many VMs at once. Enabling guest management on a VM orchestrates the install of the Connected Machine agent, directly from Azure. Additionally, with the automatic discovery capabilities of the integration, changes made directly through vCenter are synced with ...