Understand reservations discount for Azure disk storage - Microsoft Cost Management Learn how an Azure reserved disks discount is applied to your Azure premium SSD managed disks. Virtual machine size flexibility -Azure Reserved VM Instances - Azure Virtual Machines Learn what size series a reservat...
非Windows VM 的保留折扣Azure 保留折扣會套用到正在執行的 VM 執行個體 (以小時計算)。 您購買的保留會與執行中虛擬機器發出的使用量進行比對,以便套用保留折扣。 對於沒有執行整個小時的 VM,保留會由其他不是使用保留的 VM (包括目前執行的 VM) 來填滿。 在一個小時結束時,將鎖定該小時內的 VM 保留應用...
购买Azure 磁盘预留容量后,预留折扣自动应用于与预留条款匹配的磁盘资源。 预留折扣仅应用于磁盘 SKU。 磁盘快照按即用即付费率收费。 有关Azure 磁盘预留的详细信息,请参阅通过 Azure 磁盘预留节省成本。 有关 Azure 磁盘预留的定价信息,请参阅Azure 托管磁盘定价。
简化数据保护并防范勒索软件 Azure 备份是基于 Azure 的服务,可用于在 Microsoft 云中备份(或保护)和还原数据。浏览定价选项 应用筛选器来根据你的需求自定义定价选项。 价格仅是估算值,不应用作实际报价单。实际定价可能因与 Microsoft 签订的协议类型、购买日期和货币汇率而异。价格基于美元计算,并使用在上一个...
借助适用于 Azure 的 Microsoft 云采用框架在你的公司实施成本管理最佳做法,从而缓解云开支风险。 使用Azure Policy实施环境的成本控制和保护。 立即优化成本的 8 种方式 1 关闭未使用的资源 在Azure 顾问的帮助下,确定空闲虚拟机 (VM)、ExpressRoute 线路和其他资源。获取有关要关闭哪些资源的建议,查看你可节省多少...
Azure Premium SSD v2 is designed for IO-intense enterprise workloads that require sub-millisecond disk latencies and high IOPS and throughput at a low cost. Premium SSD v2 is suited for a broad range of workloads such as SQL server, Oracle, MariaDB, SAP, Cassandra, Mongo DB, big data/anal...
Specifies the parameters that are used to add a data disk to a virtual machine. For more information about disks, see About disks and VHDs for Azure virtual machines. DeleteOptions Specify what happens to the network interface when the VM is deleted DiagnosticsProfile Specifies the boot dia...
Delete If this value is used, the OS disk is deleted when VMSS Flex VM is deleted. Detach If this value is used, the OS disk is retained after VMSS Flex VM is deleted. The default value is set to Delete. For an Ephemeral OS Disk, the default value is set to Delete. User cannot...
Where possible, create the Azure snapshot when the machine is powered off -- it makes the disk more consistent. If the VM is not powered off already, it will be when the snapshot is taken. Don't keep snapshots for longer than needed; they cost money and can negatively affect per...
disk and any other data disks attached to the VM. Storage still takes up resources in the Azure datacenter so you will still be billed for those. Although storage is relatively inexpensive, so leaving a VM in your Azure Subscription that is not running and deallocated wont really cost very ...