现成VM 逐出率示例查询:SQL 复制 SpotResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/skuspotevictionrate/location' | where sku.name in~ ('standard_d2s_v4', 'standard_d4s_v4') | where location in~ ('eastus', 'southcentralus') | project skuName = ...
现成VM 定价历史记录示例查询: SQL SpotResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/skuspotpricehistory/ostype/location' | where sku.name in~ ('standard_d2s_v4', 'standard_d4s_v4') | where properties.osType =~ 'linux' | where location in~ ('eastus...
单会话方案是指在每次都只有一个用户登录到会话主机 VM。 例如,如果在 Azure 虚拟桌面中使用个人主机池,则使用的是单会话方案。 关于单会话方案的 VM 大小调整建议,建议每个 VM 至少使用两个物理 CPU 核心(通常使用四个支持超线程的 vCPU)。 如果需要更具体的关于单会话方案的 VM 大小调整建议,请询问特定于工作...
VM 大小CPUvCPUNUMA 節點記憶體(GiB)平均分數StdDev標準差%執行數 Standard_D2s_v4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8272CL CPU @ 2.60GHz 2 1 8.0 31,643 3,054 9.65% 406 Standard_D4s_v4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8272CL CPU @ 2.60GHz 4 1 16.0 60,878 4,594 7.55% 392 Standard_D8s_v4 Intel...
Linux VM Price Machine Learning Service SurchargePay As You Go Total Price1 year savings plan3 year savings plan D2s v3 2 8 GiB $70.08/month $0/month $70.08/month $48.36/month ~31% savings $32.94/month ~53% savings D4s v3 4 16 GiB $140.16/month $0/month $140.16/month $96.72/month...
Standard_D2s_v3 - 2 vCPU, 8 Go de mémoire Standard_D2ds_v5 - 2 vCPU, 8 Go de mémoire Standard_D2a_v4 - 2 vCPU, 8 Go de mémoire Lorsque le cluster AKS fonctionne normalement, quatre nœuds de VM sont requis. Un nœud supplémentaire est requis ...
您可以將標準 SSD、標準 HDD 和進階 SSD 磁碟儲存體連結至這些 VM。您也可以根據其區域可用性來連結 Ultra 磁碟儲存體。磁碟儲存體與虛擬機器分開計費。查看磁碟價格。 VM SKUvCPURAM暫存位置價格 D2s v4 2 8GB N/A 每小時 $- D4s v4 4 16GB N/A 每小時 $- D8s v4 8 32GB N/A 每小時 $- D16s ...
If necessary, you can reconfigure the VMs in your deployment to use Azure Generation 1 VM types. The following table shows the mapping between Generation 1 and Generation 2 Azure VM types: Generation 1 VM TypeGeneration 2 VM Type Standard_DS1_v2 Standard_B2s Standard_DS2_v2 Standard_D2s_v3...
If you place the ephemeral OS disk in the temporary storage disk, the final size of the temporary disk will equal the initial size of the temporary disk size minus the OS image size. In addition, the ephemeral OS disk will share the IOPS with the temporary stor...