若要在加密 VM(使用 BEK 和 KEK 加密)上启用保护,必须向 Azure 备份服务授予权限来读取密钥保管库中的密钥和机密。 PowerShell 复制 Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy -VaultName "KeyVaultName" -ResourceGroupName "RGNameOfKeyVault" -PermissionsToKeys backup,get,list -PermissionsToSecrets get,list -ServicePrinc...
Azure VM 备份上的 SAP ASE 数据库 Azure 备份服务器 (MABS) Azure Stack 上的 Azure 备份服务器 Data Protection Manager (DPM) 脱机备份 监视 正在报告 自动化 安全和勒索软件防护 存档层 疑难解答 参考 资源 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 ...
If your Recovery Services vault and VM have different resource groups, make sure you have write permissions in the resource group for the Recovery Services vault. Does an on-demand backup job use the same retention schedule as scheduled backups? No. Specify the retention range for an on-demand...
(10,20)-Retention12PS C:\>$ProtectionPolicy=New-AzureRmBackupProtectionPolicy-NameDailyBackup01-TypeAzureVM-Daily-BackupTime([datetime]"3:30 PM")-RetentionPolicy($Daily,$Monthly)-Vault$VaultName Type ScheduleType BackupTime --- --- --- --- DailyBkp AzureVM Daily26-Aug-153:00:00PM 第一...
With this release, Azure Backup provides: Ability to view all backup policies in a Recovery Services vault from a single window Ability to add a new policy from policy list view Ability to edit a backup policy to match modified backup schedule and retention requirements – once a backup policy...
With this release, Azure Backup provides: Ability to view all backup policies in a Recovery Services vault from a single window Ability to add a new policy from policy list view Ability to edit a backup policy to match modified backup schedule and retention requirements – once a backup policy...
Azure Backup provides the ability to back up and restore virtual machines. When the process to discover virtual machines in a region is initiated, a one-time registration is performed to install the backup extension, then a backup and retention policy is defined for each VM. From tha...
Azure Virtual Desktop 用户指南说明书 12 mayo 2023
Termination Policy RDS backup preferred backup window backup retention period I/O suspension for single Point-In-Time Recovery snapshot DB Snapshots make entire DB instance from one region to another region,a copy retain in that region Because KMS encryption keys are specific to the region ...
One such feature is soft delete. With soft delete, even if a malicious actor deletes the backup of a VM (or backup data is accidentally deleted), the backup data is retained for 14 additional days, allowing the recovery of that backup item with no data loss. The additional 14 days ...