若要获取将恢复点连接或装载到 VM 的脚本,请使用az backup restore files mount-rp命令。 下面的示例可为在 myRecoveryServicesVault 中受保护的名为 myVM 的 VM 获取脚本。 将myRecoveryPointName 替换为你在前一个命令中获取的恢复点的名称: Azure CLI ...
- 创建VM - 还原磁盘 当前不支持替换现有磁盘选项。 权限 次要区域中的还原操作可由备份管理员和应用管理员执行。 跨订阅还原 可以让你从还原点将 Azure 虚拟机或磁盘还原到与源订阅相同租户内的不同订阅(根据 Azure RBAC 功能)。 仅当为恢复服务保管库启用了跨订阅还原属性时才允许使用此方法。 适用于跨...
Restore operations Cross Region Restore Next steps Once the backup of an Azure virtual machine using Azure Backup is completed, one can restore entire Azure Virtual machines or disks or files from the same backup copy. This article describes how to restore an Azure VM or disks using REST ...
开始恢复以后,我们可以通过备份任务,查看恢复进度: 恢复完成,如下图所示: 返回资源组,可以看到虚拟机PySRV01-Restore已经被创建: 使用ssh工具连接,可以看到连接成功: 好了,到这里我们就给大家介绍了如何使用Azure Backup还原云端VM,希望对大家有所帮助
Cross Region Restore Next steps Once the backup of an Azure virtual machine using Azure Backup is completed, one can restore entire Azure Virtual machines or disks or files from the same backup copy. This article describes how to restore an Azure VM or disks using REST API. ...
Today, we are delighted to share the release of Azure Backup Instant Restore capability for Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). Instant Restore helps Azure Backup customers quickly recover VMs from the snapshots stored along with the disks.
Today, we are delighted to share the release of Azure Backup Instant Restore capability for Azure Virtual Machines (VMs). Instant Restore helps Azure Backup customers quickly recover VMs from the snapshots stored along with the disks.
1.You can backup a VM regardless it is online or offline 2 If you have deleted original VM, you can restore the VM with same or different instance Name on existing or different cloud service 3. If original VM is online or offline, you cannot restore the ...
请注意,使用 Windows Server Backup 时,备份文件将位于虚拟机内。您可能需要使用类似于Windows Azure Backup 的其他解决方案将这些备份文件移至外部位置。 Windows Azure Backup (WAB) WindowsAzure Backup是将本地文件备份到云的解决方案。您也可以从 Windows AzureVM 使用此解决方案。此工具为其他Microsoft 备份工具增...
Windows Azure Backup (WAB) WindowsAzure Backup是将本地文件备份到云的解决方案。您也可以从 Windows AzureVM 使用此解决方案。此工具为其他Microsoft 备份工具增加了云备份功能。它可与Windows Server Backup 或System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager 等相结合,以多种方式使用。