创建虚拟网络 - Terraform 教程 概念 操作指南 规划和配置 连接 路由网络流量 管理NIC 创建具有多个前缀的子网 管理虚拟网络 管理子网 管理子网委派 创建VNet 对等互连 管理VNet 对等互连 更新VNet 对等互连地址空间 连接方案 配置虚拟网络 TAP 独立Docker 主机容器网络 部署容器网络 安全性 VM 网络 跨区域移动 疑难解...
azurerm_virtual_network.my_terraform_network.name }output"subnet_name_1"{ description ="The name of the created subnet 1."value = azurerm_subnet.my_terraform_subnet_1.name }output"subnet_name_2"{ description ="The name of the created subnet 2."value = azurerm_subnet.my_terraform_subnet...
创建公共 IP 前缀 - Terraform 教程 概念 操作说明 参考 资源 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 你当前正在访问 Microsoft Azure Global Edition 技术文档网站。 如果需要访问由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Azure 中国技术文档网站,请访问https://docs.azu...
Terraform locals{ onprem-location ="eastus"onprem-resource-group ="onprem-vnet-rg-${random_string.suffix.result}"prefix-onprem ="onprem"}resource"azurerm_resource_group""onprem-vnet-rg"{ name = local.onprem-resource-group location = local.onprem-location }resource"azurerm_virtual_network"...
Sometimes you create a server in Azure and only find out afterwards you need to change the Virtual Network is resides in. Let's look at how to Move Azure VM to a new Virtual Network Subnet using Terraform","body":"\n Introduction\n ...
This is the Production Standard for AKS pattern module for Azure Verified Modules (AVM) library. This module deploys a production standard AKS cluster along with supporting a Virtual Network and Azure container registry. It provisions an environment suff
SQL VM Standby Pools Storage Actions Storage Mover Storage Resource Provider Storage Services Storagecache Stream Analytics Subscription Support Synapse Time Series Insights Terraform Traffic Manager Virtual Networks Virtual WAN Visual Studio Voice Services Windows Virtual Desktop Workloads Download PDF Learn...
Create a basic virtual network in Azure This Terraform module deploys a Virtual Network in Azure with a subnet or a set of subnets passed in as input parameters. The module does not create nor expose a network security group. This would need to be defined separately as additional security ru...
The Azure landing zones Terraform module is designed to accelerate deployment of platform resources based on the Azure landing zones conceptual architecture using Terraform. This is currently split logically into the following capabilities within the module (links to further guidance on the Wiki): Modul...
运行如下命令创建存储账户容器用以存储Terraform后端状态文件: az storage container create--name$CONTAINER_NAME--account-name$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME 1. Github Repo和Github Secret配置 Github Repo 准备一个Github存储库,如下图所示: Github Secret 在Github Action执行部署动作的时候,需要使用appID,租户ID,订阅ID以及...