创建虚拟网络 - Terraform 教程 概念 操作指南 规划和配置 连接 路由网络流量 管理NIC 创建具有多个前缀的子网 管理虚拟网络 管理子网 管理子网委派 创建VNet 对等互连 管理VNet 对等互连 更新VNet 对等互连地址空间 连接方案 配置虚拟网络 TAP 独立Docker 主机容器网络 部署容器网络 安全性 VM 网络 跨区域移动 疑难解...
terraform { required_providers { azurerm = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "~>2.0" } azuread = { source = "hashicorp/azuread" } } } provider "azurerm" { features {} } 创建名为 main.tf 的文件并插入下列代码: Terraform 复制 resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "vnet" { ...
使用Terraform 可以定义、预览和部署云基础结构。 使用 Terraform 时,请使用 HCL 语法来创建配置文件。 利用 HCL 语法,可指定 Azure 这样的云提供程序和构成云基础结构的元素。 创建配置文件后,请创建一个执行计划,利用该计划,可在部署基础结构更改之前先预览这些更改。 验证了更改后,请应用该执行计划以部署基础结构...
Terraform 複製 output "resource_group_name" { description = "The name of the created resource group." value = azurerm_resource_group.rg.name } output "virtual_network_name" { description = "The name of the created virtual network." value = azurerm_virtual_network.my_terraform_network.name...
We rely on the official Terraform Azure CAF naming provider to generate resource names. Global versioning rule for Claranet Azure modules Module versionTerraform versionAzureRM version >= 6.x.x 1.x >= 3.0 >= 5.x.x 0.15.x >= 2.0 >= 4.x.x 0.13.x / 0.14.x >= 2.0 >= 3.x.x ...
Sometimes you create a server in Azure and only find out afterwards you need to change the Virtual Network is resides in. Let's look at how to Move Azure VM to a new Virtual Network Subnet using Terraform","body":"\n Introduction\n ...
Instances and Azure Event Grid to the Terraform provider. Today at HashiConf, I announced native Terraform support built-in to the Azure Cloud Shell. I also announced 8 verified Azure Modules as part of theTerraform Module Registry launch. Now is a great time for you to try Terraform on ...
module "jumpbox" { source = "github.com/canada-ca-terraform-modules/azurerm_windows_virtual_machine?ref=20200622.1" name = "jumpbox" resource_group = "some-RG-Name" admin_username = "someusername" admin_password = "${azurerm_key_vault_secret.thevmpassword.name}" nic_subnetName = "some...
Instances and Azure Event Grid to the Terraform provider. Today at HashiConf, I announced native Terraform support built-in to the Azure Cloud Shell. I also announced 8 verified Azure Modules as part of theTerraform Module Registry launch. Now is a great time for you to try Terraform on ...
Terraform locals{ onprem-location ="eastus"onprem-resource-group ="onprem-vnet-rg-${random_string.suffix.result}"prefix-onprem ="onprem"}resource"azurerm_resource_group""onprem-vnet-rg"{ name = local.onprem-resource-group location = local.onprem-location }resource"azurerm_virtual_network"...