Virtual Network Gateways 参考 反馈 服务: Network Gateway API 版本: 2024-05-01 Operations 展开表 Create Or Update 在指定的资源组中创建或更新虚拟网络网关。 Delete 删除指定的虚拟网络网关。 Disconnect Virtual Network Gateway Vpn Connections 断开指定资源组中虚拟网络网关的 VPN 连接。 Generatevpncli...
you summarize on-premises routes to the largest address range possible so that you propagate the fewest number of routes to an Azure virtual network gateway. There are limits to the number of routes you can propagate to an Azure virtual network gateway. For more information, seeAzure limits. ...
VirtualNetworkGatewayAutoScaleBounds VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionListEntity VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionMode VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionProtocol VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionStatus VirtualNetworkGatewayConnectionType VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfiguration VirtualNetworkGatewayIPConfiguration 构造函数 属性 E...
Sambungkan infrastruktur Anda ke cloud dengan Azure VPN Gateway. Sambungkan jaringan lokal Anda ke Azure dari mana saja dengan VPN Situs-ke-Situs.
获取或设置 LocalNetworkGateway 资源的引用,该资源表示具有默认路由的本地网络站点。 如果删除现有的默认站点设置,请分配 Null 值。
(until they malfunction) and considered part of the platform. There’s one special control unit that’s being used as a gateway for all management API calls. For example, when a customer makes a request to create a new application, either through the portal, command-line interface or ...
Can an on-premises device's IP address that's connected through an Azure virtual network gateway (VPN) or ExpressRoute gateway access Azure PaaS services over virtual network service endpoints? By default, Azure service resources secured to virtual networks are not reachable from on-premises network...
POST{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways/{virtualNetworkGatewayName}/reset?api-version=2024-05-01 With optional parameters: HTTP 复制 POST{subscriptionId...
C# העתק public static readonly Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.Models.VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier VpnGw4; Field Value VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier Applies to מוצרגירסאות Azure SDK for .NET Legacy ...
C# Копіювати public static readonly Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.Models.VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier VpnGw4; Field Value VirtualNetworkGatewaySkuTier Applies to ПродуктВерсії Azure SDK for .NET Legacy С...