{"fileUris": ["https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/privatecontainer/script1.sh"],"commandToExecute":"sh script1.sh","managedIdentity": {} } 若要在目標 VM 或虛擬機器擴展集上,使用使用者指派的身分識別,請使用受控識別的用戶端識別碼或物件識別碼設定managedidentity。
('vmssName')]", "location": "[resourceGroup().location]", "identity": { "type": "UserAssigned", "userAssignedIdentities": { "[resourceID('Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/',variables('<USERASSIGNEDIDENTITYNAME>'))]": {} } }, "properties": { //other v...
The security boundary of managed identities for Azure resources, is the resource where the identity is used. All code/scripts running on a virtual machine can request and retrieve tokens for any managed identities available on it. Overview
有关更详细的文档,请访问 aka.ms/managedidentitypolicy。 AuditIfNotExists、DeployIfNotExists、Disabled 1.0.6-preview [预览]:将内置的用户分配的托管标识分配给虚拟机 创建并分配内置用户分配的托管标识,或大规模向虚拟机分配预创建的用户分配的托管标识。 有关更详细的文档,请访问 aka.ms/managedidentitypolicy...
The [Preview]: Assign Built-In User-Assigned Managed Identity to Virtual Machines built-in policy expects that the User-Assigned Managed Identity is on the...
IdentityChoose if you want to use System Assigned Managed Identity, learn more aboutManaged Identity Azure ADChoose if you want to enable AAD for your VM, learn more aboutAAD Guest OS updatesSelect Automatic or Manuel updates for your VM ...
Specifies the Managed Identity used by ADE to get access token for keyvault operations. EventGridAndResourceGraph The configuration parameters used while creating eventGridAndResourceGraph Scheduled Event setting. ExtendedLocation The extended location of the Virtual Machine. ExtendedLocationTypes The typ...
Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed DevOps Pools Managed Grafana Managed Identity Managed Services Management Groups Maps Maps Creator Maps Management MariaDB Marketplace Catalog Marketplace Ordering Media Services Mixed Reality ML Studio (classic) Mobile Network Monitor MySQL Network Gatew...
Azure 中的映像工件可用于在 Azure 中创建新虚拟机。 同一个映像可多次部署以创建多个Security Identity Manager虚拟机。 关于此任务 这些指示信息展示了如何使用 Azure 门户网站 (portal.azure.com) 执行这些步骤。 但也可以使用 Azure CLI 工具或任何其他支持 Azure 的 API 来完成这些步骤。
Today, we are excited to announce the preview of Azure Container Storage, the industry’s first platform-managed container native storage service in the public cloud, providing end to end storage management and orchestration for stateful applications to run efficiently at scale on Azure. ...