$username=$(az account show --query user.name --output tsv) $rg=$(az group show --resource-group myResourceGroup --query id -o tsv) az role assignment create \ --role "Virtual Machine Administrator Login" \ --assignee $username \ --scope $rg 備註...
$username=$(az account show--queryuser.name--outputtsv)$rg=$(az group show--resource-groupmyResourceGroup--queryid-otsv)az role assignment create\--role"Virtual Machine Administrator Login"\--assignee$username\--scope$rg 注意 如果您的 Microsoft Entra 網域和登入使用者名稱網域不符,您必須以--...
$username=$(az account show--queryuser.name--outputtsv)$rg=$(az group show--resource-groupmyResourceGroup--queryid-otsv)az role assignment create\--role"Virtual Machine Administrator Login"\--assignee$username\--scope$rg 备注 如果Microsoft Entra 域和登录用户名域不匹配,则必须使用--assignee-ob...
A question about Azure “Virtual Machine Contributor” role Access Denied to Azure VM Accessing a USB through an Azure Virtual Machine Accessing Azure Virtual Machine IIS website publicly Add User to Remote Desktop Group in Azure VM Add VM Agent - Resource Manager Added a disk to VM and can'...
"Name": "Virtual Machine Administrator Login", "Id": "1c0163c0-47e6-4577-8991-ea5c82e286e4", "IsCustom": false, "Description": "View Virtual Machines in the portal and login as administrator", "Actions": [ "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/read", ...
Cloud Service Role Instances Cloud Service Roles Cloud Services Cloud Services Update Domain Community Galleries Community Gallery Image Versions Community Gallery Images Dedicated Host Groups Dedicated Hosts Disk Accesses Disk Encryption Sets Disk Restore Point Disks Galleries Gallery Application Versions Gallery...
User Access Administrator Virtual Machine Contributor Web Plan Contributor Website Contributor 操作(Action / Operation)¶ 截至2015年底,Microsoft Azure支持的操作类型多达970种(世纪互联支持316种), 某一种角色包含了多种类型的操作。 可以使用以下命令查看全部操作。
If you assign a role to a user to remove the limit for that user, assign a less privileged, built-in role such as User Administrator or Groups Administrator. A Microsoft Entra organization can have a maximum of 15,000 dynamic groups and dynamic administrative units combined. A maximum of ...
A new syntax is introduced to create Microsoft Entra server principals (logins),FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER. For more information on the syntax, seeCREATE LOGIN, and review theProvision a Microsoft Entra administrator for SQL Managed Instancearticle. ...
Checks if the selected domain administrator account can be created, creates it, and adds it to AAD DC Administrators group Creates VNET and NSG Validates if URLs required for AVD are reachable If existing setup Validates VNET and DNS can resolve the domain name ...