GatewayType 必须为 Vpn VpnType 必须为“RouteBased” 此部分的练习可能需要长达 45 分钟的时间才能完成。 若要创建 VPN 网关,请运行以下命令并按Enter。 PowerShell New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway-Name$GWName-ResourceGroupName$ResourceGroup` -Location$Location-IpConfigurations$ipconf-GatewayType...
对VirtualNetworkGatewayPolicyGroup 资源的引用,该资源表示网关的可用 VirtualNetworkGatewayPolicyGroup。 properties.vpnClientConfiguration VpnClientConfiguration 对表示 P2S VpnClient 配置的 VpnClientConfiguration 资源的引用。 properties.vpnGatewayGeneration VpnGatewayGeneration 此VirtualNetworkGateway 的代系。 ...
If you specified a DNS server or servers when you created your virtual network, VPN Gateway uses the DNS servers that you specified. If you specify a DNS server, verify that your DNS server can resolve the domain names needed for Azure....
了解如何设计和实现混合网络解决方案,例如站点到站点 VPN 连接、点到站点 VPN 连接、Azure 虚拟 WAN 和虚拟 WAN 中心。 认证 Microsoft Certified: Azure Virtual Desktop Specialty - Certifications 在Microsoft Azure 上为任何设备计划、交付、管理和监视虚拟桌面体验和远程应用。 中文...
Connect your infrastructure to the cloud with Azure VPN Gateway. Connect your on-premises networks to Azure from anywhere with Site-to-Site VPNs.
What factors should be considered when designing the hub (e.g., Virtual Network Gateway, Firewall, Security controls)? What are the key challenges you've encountered while implementing a Hub-and-Spoke architecture in Azure, and how have you addressed them?
Connect your infrastructure to the cloud with Azure VPN Gateway. Connect your on-premises networks to Azure from anywhere with Site-to-Site VPNs.
I am trying to connect an Azure Kubernetes Service instance to an "On premise" SQL Server through a VPN Gateway. I'm using this command to create the cluster: az aks create \ --resource-group ${rg} \ --name ${name} \ --node-count ${nodeCount} \ --node-vm-size ${vmsize} \ ...
Monitor-level configuration Go toCloud > Azureand selectAzure Virtual Network Gatewayfrom the drop-down menu. Choose aresourcefor which you would like to set a threshold, then click thehamburgericon. SelectEdit, which directs you to theEdit Azure Virtual Network Gateway Monitorpage. ...
Azure Virtual Network NAT Gateway Nat Gateway is anew servicethat went into preview very recently. Once this goes GA, this is likely to be the best way to ensure all of your traffic from your vNet uses the same static outbound IP, if you are not using Azure Firewall. ...