Account Administrator Service Administrator Co-Administrator Azure 角色 Owner Contributor Reader User Access Administrator Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) 角色 Global Administrator User Administrator Billing Administrator 角色之间的相互关系 若要更好地理解 Azure 中的角色,最好是先了解一些历史信息。 Azure 最...
以全局管理员的身份登录到 Azure 门户。 打开“监视”>“活动日志”。 将“活动”列表更改为“目录活动”。 搜索以下表示提升访问权限动作的操作。 Assigns the caller to User Access Administrator role使用Azure CLI 查看提升访问权限日志条目使用az login 命令以全局管理员身份登录。 使用az rest 命令进行以下调用...
在订阅中,必须具有User Access Administrator或Role Based Access Control Administrator权限或更高权限才能创建服务主体。 有关可用于 Azure 基于角色的访问控制 (Azure RBAC) 的角色列表,请参阅Azure 内置角色。 在Azure Cloud Shell中使用 Bash 环境。 有关详细信息,请参阅Azure Cloud Shell 中的 Bash 快速入门。
在”Azure 资源的访问管理“设置中,选择是。 When you set the toggle toYes, you are assigned the User Access Administrator role in Azure RBAC at root scope (/). This grants you permission to assign roles in all Azure subscriptions and management groups associated with this Azure AD directory. ...
When you set the toggle toNo, the User Access Administrator role in Azure RBAC is removed from your user account. You can no longer assign roles in all Azure subscriptions and management groups that are associated with this Azure AD directory. You can view and manage only the Azure subscriptio...
User Access Administrator Virtual Machine Contributor Web Plan Contributor Website Contributor 本方案通过Virtual Machine Contributor的模板修改。 #获取"Virtual Machine Contributor"配置$role= Get-AzureRmRoleDefinition"Virtual Machine Contributor"$role.Id =$null$role.Name ="Virtual Machine Operator"$role.Descr...
User Access Administrator Azure リソースに対するユーザー アクセスを管理します。 18d7d88d-d35e-4fb5-a5c3-7773c20a72d9全般テーブルを展開する 組み込みのロール説明ID Reader すべてのリソースを表示しますが、変更を加えることはできません。 acdd72a7-3385-48ef-bd42-f606fba81ae7Co...
(default [Contributor,User Access Administrator]) --provider string The pipeline provider to use (github for Github Actions and azdo for Azure Pipelines). --remote-name string The name of the git remote to configure the pipeline to run on. (default "origin") ...
Role Based Access Control Administrator Manage access to Azure resources by assigning roles using Azure RBAC. This role does not allow you to manage access using other ways, such as Azure Policy. f58310d9-a9f6-439a-9e8d-f62e7b41a168 User Access Administrator Lets you manage user access to...
Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions, such as Role Based Access Control Administrator or User Access Administrator Step 1: Identify the needed scope When you assign roles, you must specify a scope. Scope is the set of resources the access applies to. In Azure, you can specif...