Types of storage accounts Storage account name Storage account workloads Storage account endpoints Show 7 more An Azure storage account contains all of your Azure Storage data objects: blobs, files, queues, and tables. The storage account provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage ...
1、存储账户的名称,在 Azure 中的所有现有存储帐户名中必须是唯一的-(CN和Global是分开的) 2、存储账户的名称只能包含小写字母和数字,长度必须为 3 到 24 个字符 3、当我们打开 【Storage accounts / 存储账户】可以看到有3种类型-(Console页面上的分类是基于创建时对性能的选择) StorageV2 BlockBlobStorage Fil...
New-AzStorageAccount -Name $StorageAccountName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location DBELocal -SkuName Standard_LRS 注意 使用Azure Resource Manager,您只能建立本機儲存體帳戶,例如本地備援儲存體 (標準或進階)。 若要建立階層式儲存體帳戶,請參閱教學課程:使用 Azure Stack Edge Pro with GPU ...
適用於 Blob 儲存體的安全性建議 - Azure Storage 了解Blob 儲存體的安全性建議。 如同我們的共同責任模型中所述,實作本指南有助於您履行安全性義務。 Azure Blob 儲存體的安全性最佳做法 資料安全性在雲端至關重要,IT 專業人員會將其辨識為雲端採用最重要的因素。 資料必須受到保護,以免未經授權的...
Azure Storage is a service that you can use to store unstructured and partially structured data. When implementing Azure Storage, you create a storage account. An Azure Storage account is a logical namespace that, depending on its type, is capable of hosting different types of objects, ...
byMark|Mar 27, 2023|Azure,Azure Blobs,Azure FIles,Azure Queues,Azure Tables,Blob Storage,Cloud Storage,Cloud Storage Manager,Storage Accounts Azure Blob storage is a popular service provided by Microsoft, offering scalable, cost-effective, and secure cloud storage solutions for various types of unst...
Easily manage your Azure storage accounts in the cloud, from Windows, macOS, or Linux, using Azure Storage Explorer.
Customers are doing great things with Azure storage products "Once we implemented Ultra Disk Storage, we had our eureka moment. We knew our initial move to the cloud would be challenging; however, it was less daunting once we saw the throughput those disks could give us." ...
("rdevstor1") rdevstor1 #<Azure resource Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/rdevstor1> # Account type: Storage # SKU: name=Standard_LRS, tier=Standard # Endpoints: # blob: https://rdevstor1.blob.core.windows.net/ # queue: https://rdevstor1.queue.core.windows.net/ # table: https://...
Azure Storage Accounts. Log Analytics workspaces. Event Hubs, allowing you to further export to non-Microsoft systems. Using diagnostic settings is the easiest way to route the metrics, but there are some limitations: Exportability. All metrics are exportable through the REST API, but some can'...