Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 简介 - Training 了解Data Lake Storage 如何提供一个可在其中上传和存储非结构化数据,从而高效地处理大数据分析的存储库。 认证 Microsoft Certified:Dynamics 365 Customer Insights(数据)专业 - Certifications 使用Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights 实现解决方案来提供对客户个...
其中包括基于Azure Machine Learning服务的机器学习、智能技术和仿真,基于Azure Synapse无限数据分析的商业智能,基于Time Series Insights时序洞察服务的运营分析,基于Event Hubs、Event Grid、Service Bus和Azure Functions等事件与函数服务的事件驱动响应与转型,基于Data Lake、Azure Storage、Azure SQL和Cosmos DB等数据服务...
Azure Data Explorer(ADE)内部代号叫Kusto,在Kusto之前,Azure对监控和分析场景散落在各产品中,例如:Log Analytics、Application Insight,Azure Monitor,Time Series Insight,这些产品在用不同的技术架构来解决不同数据源等问题,例如: 通过PerfCounter和Event通过流数据进行聚合告警 利用通用计数器写入时序数据库,配置实时Das...
StorageBlobLogs StorageCacheOperationEvents StorageCacheUpgradeEvents StorageCacheWarningEvents StorageFileLogs StorageMalwareScanningResults StorageMoverCopyLogsFailed StorageMoverCopyLogsTransferred StorageMoverJobRunLogs StorageQueueLogs StorageTableLogs SucceededIngestion SynapseBigDataPoolApplicationsEn... microsoft.storagecache/amlfilesytems microsoft.storagecache/caches microsoft.storagemover/storagemovers microsoft.streamanalytics/streamingjobs microsoft.synapse/workspaces microsoft.timeseriesinsights/environments microsoft.videoindexer/accounts ...
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 isn't a dedicated service or account type. It's a set of capabilities that support high throughput analytic workloads. The Data Lake Storage Gen2 documentation provides best practices and guidance for using these capabilities. For all other aspects of account managemen...
Multilayered storage with warm and cold analytics support. This will provide both interactive analytics over short timespans as well as operational intelligence over decades of historical data. Support for discrete signal processing in order to analyze sensors sending categorical state dat...
Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 offers multi-layered storage IoT customers work with IoT data in a variety of ways. The two most common scenarios we see are: Highly interactive analytics over a short time span. Advanced analysis of decades worth of historical data....
G-SERIES: Intel® Xeon® processor E5 v3 familyNOTE: G-SERIES will be able to mount up to 64 disks with STANDARD_G5.Regarding DS-SERIES, it has been announced at TechEd Europe and its purpose it to leverage the future “Azure Premium” Storage feature, spec...
Azure Blob Storage documentation Overview What is Azure Blob Storage? Compare core storage services Blob Storage feature support Blob Storage Overview Architecture Quickstarts Storage accounts Data transfer and migration Data management Security and networking ...